Monthly Archives: June 2001

Lend me $2,000,000?

Can anyone loan me $2,000,000? I promise I'll pay you back. Deal of a lifetime… I've wanted to buy an island since I was a kid. This is a 295 acre island off Panama… It's got amazing beaches and to me, sounds like the ideal location for The Church Of Body Modification's first monastary?

I take credit for this poll

  • What's the most exotic thing you've ever eaten? I guess that depends on the context… In a North American diet, tripe is pretty weird, as are testicles. I've eaten both.
  • Boots, shoes, or something else? Boots. I haven't worn shoes in probably fifteen years…
  • Diet soda or full-o-sugar? Generally diet; I actually like the way it tastes. Although it's probably best that I drink the diet ones for other reasons too!
  • How much caffeine do you consume daily? Probably about 300 milligrams (the equivilent of three cans of Jolt). Not that much any more.
  • Have you been intimate (past “second base”, and piercing them doesn't count) with any other IAM members, and if so, how many? Yes; five of them.
  • How many hours of work and sleep do you have a week? I work about an eighty hour week most of the time. I sleep about forty hours a week (that's just under six hours a night, if it was consistent).
  • Would you travel to Mars if it meant you had to live the rest of your life there? Definitely.
  • Where were you born, and where do you live now? If you moved, why? I was born in Victoria, British Columbia, and now live in Toronto. I moved from Victoria because my parents moved. I moved to Toronto for school and then came to love it here.
  • Can you ride a horse? Yes, but I haven't in a long time. My sister rides competitively.
  • Favorite fast food place? I eat at Mr. Sub's most often (at least three times a week, for lunch)… Veggie and Cheese with mushrooms and green peppers (but no tomatos) and dijon mustard.
  • What sport — not including gym class at school — have you spent the most time playing? Judo. My mother forced me to take it when I started beating kids up on the school bus… I guess she thought it would allow me to subdue people without injuring them?
  • Would you rather work 60 hours a week at a job you love, or 30 hours a week at a job you hate (assume you make the same at each one)? I'd rather work the 60 hour job.
  • What was the name of the last pet you had, and why? Ginger Kang Kang, a rat. He's named after a magic fish in the book Flan. I don't think the next door cat, Fatty, counts, but I do feed it.
  • What do you put on your pizza? The last pizza I ate was broccoli and feta.
  • Did you pay for your own schooling? I had a scholarship, but my grandparents chipped in for living money.
  • What is the longest non-stop period of time you've spent in the hospital? Thirty-three days, for a drug overdose I think about six years ago.

D&D anyone?

So MiL0 has left me, and I sit here dejectedly drinking the can of Sprite she left in the fridge and think of old times. (And no, not because I'm mean, because she has to work tomorrow morning — I'll see her again in a few days). Anyway, last night we watched what is perhaps one of the worst movies I have ever seen, Dungeons and Dragons. It made me pull out some of my old AD&D (and even D&D) stuff… I've been playing off and on for about twenty years now, and my first printing books prove it!

While earlier versions of the basic rules had been floating around since I think 1974, TSR published this boxed set in 1981. I have the first printing. Ah, the Monster Manual — “Aerial Servant to Zombie” — I have a 4th Edition book, printed in 1979. Still pretty damn early… Now this is a treasure. It's a quite rare first printing Deities and Demigods book containing the Cthulu and Melnibonean Mythos — these are not in any other printing of this book. Yeah, I'm oldschool baby.

on crack?

From: "hebe83" <>
To: <>
Subject: nasty

you people have to be on crack to do this shit. didnt any of this hurt god damn fucked up shit

From: "chris b"
To: <>
Subject: hi

I segest a pole fore people that want pearcings but there perence or there sex discurages them.

Happy little fellow

Well, I couldn't take it any longer, so I helped him escape — turns out it was a little squirrel. My landlord is going to be PISSED, so I took pictures to proove I wasn't just amusing myself smashing holes in his wall.