D&D anyone?

So MiL0 has left me, and I sit here dejectedly drinking the can of Sprite she left in the fridge and think of old times. (And no, not because I'm mean, because she has to work tomorrow morning — I'll see her again in a few days). Anyway, last night we watched what is perhaps one of the worst movies I have ever seen, Dungeons and Dragons. It made me pull out some of my old AD&D (and even D&D) stuff… I've been playing off and on for about twenty years now, and my first printing books prove it!

While earlier versions of the basic rules had been floating around since I think 1974, TSR published this boxed set in 1981. I have the first printing. Ah, the Monster Manual — “Aerial Servant to Zombie” — I have a 4th Edition book, printed in 1979. Still pretty damn early… Now this is a treasure. It's a quite rare first printing Deities and Demigods book containing the Cthulu and Melnibonean Mythos — these are not in any other printing of this book. Yeah, I'm oldschool baby.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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