I take credit for this poll

  • What's the most exotic thing you've ever eaten? I guess that depends on the context… In a North American diet, tripe is pretty weird, as are testicles. I've eaten both.
  • Boots, shoes, or something else? Boots. I haven't worn shoes in probably fifteen years…
  • Diet soda or full-o-sugar? Generally diet; I actually like the way it tastes. Although it's probably best that I drink the diet ones for other reasons too!
  • How much caffeine do you consume daily? Probably about 300 milligrams (the equivilent of three cans of Jolt). Not that much any more.
  • Have you been intimate (past “second base”, and piercing them doesn't count) with any other IAM members, and if so, how many? Yes; five of them.
  • How many hours of work and sleep do you have a week? I work about an eighty hour week most of the time. I sleep about forty hours a week (that's just under six hours a night, if it was consistent).
  • Would you travel to Mars if it meant you had to live the rest of your life there? Definitely.
  • Where were you born, and where do you live now? If you moved, why? I was born in Victoria, British Columbia, and now live in Toronto. I moved from Victoria because my parents moved. I moved to Toronto for school and then came to love it here.
  • Can you ride a horse? Yes, but I haven't in a long time. My sister rides competitively.
  • Favorite fast food place? I eat at Mr. Sub's most often (at least three times a week, for lunch)… Veggie and Cheese with mushrooms and green peppers (but no tomatos) and dijon mustard.
  • What sport — not including gym class at school — have you spent the most time playing? Judo. My mother forced me to take it when I started beating kids up on the school bus… I guess she thought it would allow me to subdue people without injuring them?
  • Would you rather work 60 hours a week at a job you love, or 30 hours a week at a job you hate (assume you make the same at each one)? I'd rather work the 60 hour job.
  • What was the name of the last pet you had, and why? Ginger Kang Kang, a rat. He's named after a magic fish in the book Flan. I don't think the next door cat, Fatty, counts, but I do feed it.
  • What do you put on your pizza? The last pizza I ate was broccoli and feta.
  • Did you pay for your own schooling? I had a scholarship, but my grandparents chipped in for living money.
  • What is the longest non-stop period of time you've spent in the hospital? Thirty-three days, for a drug overdose I think about six years ago.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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