Well, I did The Big Show on eYada again today… They were running late, and I don't think were really prepped for me (I can't believe they've gotten my URL wrong three weeks in a row, haha). So it was a little haphazard, and I'll admit that I was realllly tired so I was a bit off my game. At least I got to plug lowphat's contests and such… I think we talked about SM, genital piercing, and things like that. It seemed kind of disjointed, but that matches my insomniatic world anyway.
It'll be up in the archives later today — I'm on at about 1:15 into the show and am on for around 15 to 20 minutes I think. I'll be on again, maybe I'll email them a list of fun stuff to ask me and, as my most-hated chef says, take it up a notch.

OK, what with having just transferred a few thousand out of my personal savings to pay this stupid IAM bill, I thought I should get around to clearing out some old stock to make up the loss. I have a few skulls left over, so I'll offer them here first at below market value.
Fetal Skull, $400. This is a best quality skull, in perfect shape.
Tumor Skull, $1000. This is a best quality skull, in absolutely perfect shape, and extremely well prepared. Dentition is complete and there is no damage of any kind. Most importantly, the skull has a LARGE bone tumor growing off the side — you will probably never see another skull like this.
Adult Skull #1, $200. This is a display quality skull. It has no dentition, and has a small hole, probably damaged in preparation or unearthing.
| Adult Skull #2, $200. Another display quality skull, slightly larger. I am not convinced that the jaw is a perfect match.
Anyway, let me know if you want these — you can pay either by PayPal, or by VISA/MC if you'd prefer. These skulls are legal in most countries, and are CERTAINLY legal in Canada and the USA. Let me know ASAP, especially if you want one of the cheaper ones as I suspect they'll go fast. Best to email me at glider@bmezine.com rather than IM.
Damn, I have to get up in about two and a half hours… Well, at least all these things are packed, and look how nice they are!