I ain't juiced… panic attack

Sorry… The pictures are small and kind of grainy. My camera doesn't have a flash or an infrared mode. But I promised I'd show you some pictures of what I do late at night… I wanted to take more photos of sculptures around town, but my battery died…

The “Empress of Canada”… Ugly, isn't it.

Looking down the pier.

The weird “sculpture” or whatever it is.

You can actually go inside it…

The seaweed filled waterfall.

Duck, you sucker!

Another ugly and equally tasteless boat.

The garden just off the dock.

The 24-hour second cup (see my truck?).

…and I stopped for a sausage. Kills the romance of it all you say?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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