I can't imagine the monstrosity of email that awaits me when I return… If I'm lucky my house has been broken into and my computer is gone. In any case, here are some pictures that MiL0 took with her digital… I'll post lots more by about 7PM tonight when my film pictures are developed:

Cork to Rebekah to MiL0 to Me
All my answers are boring.
- Are you happy with your living situation? It's better than being dead I guess.
- Have you ever gotten a job while you had visible modifications, if so what? I've never had a real job. I worked in a piercing studio, they didn't care. Other than that I haven't had a job except a couple lame summer jobs when I was still a kid.
- Does the job you have now allow visible tattoos and piercings? See above. I have no job.
- Have you ever masturbated to a clothing catalog such as JC Penney's, Victoria secrets, or some other? I don't think I've ever even seen one, sorry.
- Do you have pets, if so what kind? I have none. In the past I had mastiffs but they die far too quickly.
- Do you eat peanut butter straight from the jar? I would if I had some.
- Do you slack off at work on a daily basis? Again, I have no job so to speak. If I did I'm sure I'd slack off. But, I liked all this so much I bought the company, and now I work like a madman (on account of actually being a madman perhaps).
- Do you do volunteer work? Yes, and I donate to a number of charities and I pay my taxes. I'm a responsible citizen.
- Do you have any Felony Charges? The charges were reduced, so no, but almost. And I've been threatened with far more than could ever be made stick.
- If a part of you was amputated willingly or not, would you eat it given the chance? How do you know I already haven't? I have no problem with it.
- Would you donate your testicles or ovaries to medical research? No.
- Would you give a kidney to someone you didn't know? Definitely not.
- Does the sight of your mate make your heart flutter or crotch throb? Damn right, on both counts. See below.
- How many hours a day are you online? Usually about 18.
- What are your views on the Church of body modification? I have some concerns that they will be written off as a sideshow act, but I believe strongly in its importance and support it and contribute to it in every way I can.
- What type of social experiences do you have with friends usually? Most commonly dinner and drinks.
- What one thing do you want to say for the record? What do you want to make really clear? Everything is beautiful. If you can't see that, you've got your eyes closed.

Quoted from Beki's page… I thought everyone should see this, especially those of you in the Phoenix, AZ area:
a most precarious situation
church aside folks… i got the news that a friend of mine was just fired from Body Creations (address: 5008 W. Northern Ave. Glendale, AZ Phone Number: 623-934-9964) for getting implants in his head. The owner of the shop, who got her start in az piercing out of the indoor swapmart… seems to me has learned nothing about SUPPORTING HER EMPLOYEES in their own choices to modify themselves… i mean what can i expect right, she owns a piercing studio of all things where people pay her employees to modify them!… are we going ass-backwards in our thinking, learning and acceptance? thanks to all the Debbies of the world…you make it so easy to be unique… ok back to church… sorry, she struck a nerve (i bet you love that don't you Debbie)

Also noted on Steve's page:
a very upsetting situation
My friend Louie, who was a body piercer at a studio called Body Creations (address: 5008 W. Northern Ave. Suite #7 Glendale, AZ Phone Number: 623-934-9964)who has inch and a half eyelets, multiple facial piercings, large gauge septum and forearm tattoos was fired today by the owner. Her response to my understanding after she saw his new horn implants was, “I find you offensive to look at”. Naturally hearing this from a piercing studio, the knights in shinning armor of promoting individuality, I was quite shocked. Somebody did say that closed minds open their mouths the widest. I feel that it is truely sad that we suffer predjudice from those who are suposed to be like-minded. I'm sorry Louie that your modification delivered such a heavy blow. Steve
I don't know if anything can be done to solve this situation… But I do know that if I was in the Phoenix area and I was a Body Creations customer, I'd seriously reconsider whether I wanted to support a studio that would do something like that…
So I'm watching Titus and they're at a hotrod show… What do I see sitting in the background, totally unmentioned? A TUCKER! There are, what, 47 of these on the planet?

Well, no more excuses. I've got to go finish off the blueprints for the suspension rig so it can be built… If Phil and the guys don't get it built in the next 10 days or so, they risk looking like a real bunch of goofs in front of TLC!