I almost forgot to make the staff (performers and so on) laniards and IDs! Hope I didn't miss anything else.
Well, I'm going to bed soon. I know some people are staying up late with Badur to watch Cum on my Tattoo and so on and various other parties, but I'm crashing out early and getting as much sleep as I can. See you all tomorrow at the park and beyond. I'll be there at 10:30 or so probably; details are on the event page.
So other than a little moving of stuff from one place to another tonight, I'm pretty much done for the day. I'm planning on getting as much sleep as possible tonight because I've been getting far too little. Anyway, I think I'm going to draw a bit with Nefarious, move that stuff, have some sushi at home for supper, and like I said try and get to bed early because tomorrow is a long day.
Yes, all that beer (for staff and performers), the sound gear and related hardware, groceries, and of course Phil and I, all fit. Porsches are surprisingly roomy. I'll be at the park around 10:30. If you need last minute information or directions, they're on the event page.
Ack, it turns out that my printer won't print on cardstock, so my fancy card paper didn't work at all. So Phil and I did them on normal paper, cut them all out by hand, and then hand laminated them all. Now we're off to pick up the remaining supplies on the list and then I think I'm done until tomorrow morning! Yay! Oh, and I think I'm going to pick up a cheap umbrella or raincoat just in case there's intermittant rain tomorrow. I can't wait to see everyone (and to launch the fireworks)!
So I'm driving down the street with the windows down listening to music, not obnoxiously loud, but certainly loud enough. It was a mix of old songs, and Cop Killer starts playing, you know, fuck the police over and over… a bike cop pulls up next to me, looks in at me, sees I'm wearing a swastika shirt and am covered in tattoos and have a shaved head, and immediately radios dispatch. Luckily that's when the light changed and I drove (at the speed limit) through a mix of side streets. Not that I was guilty of anything — I just didn't have the time to waste today.
 This is the shirt I'm talking about. It's one of my favorite shirts of all time.
 “Pork Butts Drive Me Nuts” is an awesome logo. If I ever become a meat packer, I'm going to commit a trademark violation.
 There was an insane flash flood! I drove through at least two feet of water on Bayview (as fast as I could, praying the engine wouldn't drown).
 Water was also geisering out of the sewer drains! This Solstice was another car caught in the storm. My car was in a parking lot when it started with the sunroof open :-(
 Well, I thought “Merchant of Venice” was funny anyway. |
 This poor biker kept getting hit by belches of smoke from the truck owned by the ironically named “Organic Resource” grease trap service company (for search engines: Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 416-747-6584, 1-800-661-4513). It smelled terrible. |
 I had to pick up two more servers today (and more are coming shortly) for various projects — if the boxes had been one inch larger they wouldn't have fit! |
Anyway, a nice big update with 2,500 new pictures is processing now and will be posted some time in the morning. Sorry; I was trying to get it done for tonight but it's been a really long and exhausting day so I have to get to bed. Thanks again to everyone who's helping this week and weekend on BMEfest, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in the park.
They're laminated, so they'll last.