Skulls For Sale

OK, what with having just transferred a few thousand out of my personal savings to pay this stupid IAM bill, I thought I should get around to clearing out some old stock to make up the loss. I have a few skulls left over, so I'll offer them here first at below market value.

Fetal Skull, $400. This is a best quality skull, in perfect shape.

Tumor Skull, $1000. This is a best quality skull, in absolutely perfect shape, and extremely well prepared. Dentition is complete and there is no damage of any kind. Most importantly, the skull has a LARGE bone tumor growing off the side — you will probably never see another skull like this.

Adult Skull #1, $200. This is a display quality skull. It has no dentition, and has a small hole, probably damaged in preparation or unearthing.

Adult Skull #2, $200. Another display quality skull, slightly larger. I am not convinced that the jaw is a perfect match.

Anyway, let me know if you want these — you can pay either by PayPal, or by VISA/MC if you'd prefer. These skulls are legal in most countries, and are CERTAINLY legal in Canada and the USA. Let me know ASAP, especially if you want one of the cheaper ones as I suspect they'll go fast. Best to email me at rather than IM.

One Comment

  1. jason wrote:

    do you still have the fetal skull an do u have other available thx…

    Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 4:17 pm | Permalink
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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