I just got back bailing Marty's car out of car prison… $137 isn't bad for a loitering charge and about 30 hours in lock-down, right? Mercury Rev last night was AMAZING. Really good show… Not what I expected as far as a stage presence though, I guess I was still sort of expecting David Baker. If you'd like to listen to the show, you can click here for a streaming hour long concert!
My plan for today is start pushing BME's multilingualism farther, which will mean a lot of software changes under the hood. As you know, I was not born speaking English, nor was English ever spoken to me as a baby or young child. Then I was put into the school system where of course I learned English, but they took it a big step farther and forced me to speak without any accent and did everything they could to stop me from expressing myself in a way that reflected someting other than who they were. As far as I'm concerned it was a massive violation of my rights, and I don't want to be a person that continues that process… So I'm doing what I can to make BME multilingual.
I haven't mentioned any news in a while, it's making me sick to do so. I hoped that when the Taliban surrendered it would be all over, but then the US announces that it won't accept their surrender. Not only that, but they've said that they won't take prisoners either… I'm not kidding — they've literally announced genocide — kill every last one is the order. I can't imagine this isn't an enormous violation of international law!
Remember the witchhunts? That's what we're in the middle of. Maybe it's good that my accent got raped out of me, or I might join it. Thank god a few brave people are starting to stand up against this — bravo to Oregon and Spain who've stood up against the FBI/CIA… Too bad most countries and states haven't grown balls yet.
I'm really unthrilled with any number of things happening now — shutting down the Somali internet and telecom facilities are just going to make that country go from hell to doublehell… And locally it's worst of all: greatly increasing government powers, military tribunals, the suspension of civil liberties, the rape of the constitution, and even viruses being developed by the FBI to spy on citizens.
If America keeps squandering its resources on this pointless crusade (it's not a war on terror, so don't try and tell me that lie), it's going to find itself left in the dust by countries like China.
PS. I wish I had a clever way to integrate this link.