The headline: “Captain Pierce” mashes record
Seriously, what a bunch of idiots. First of all, getting 170 temporary piercings just to get your name in a book is ridiculous. If you want to do it for yourself, fine, go for it… But if you're operating under the delusion that this somehow is something to be proud of, grow up. It's a meaningless record, and trying to break it for breaking's sake isn't worth it.
In any case, and this goes out to the brilliant folks at Guinness (who I have told this to repeatedly, but they don't care): IT IS NOT A RECORD! Gauntlet Magazine documented a 12-hour session where 6000 (yes, six thousand) piercings were done on one person. I believe it was issue #15, which you can order online… I have the issue here so I'll try and dig it up to confirm the issue number and who did the piercings.
In any case, it was fully documented with a ton of witnesses and photos and video as well, and Guinness knows about it (I know because I have told them on multiple occasions — they come to me regularly to ask me questions about bodmod records)… I guess because it fell inside the SM world rather than that “freakshow world” it somehow doesn't count.
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