Saturday, December 1, 2001
The three-day fundraiser blitz to pay for the church's member/minister card printer has raised a total of $946.01 from the IAM readers and members! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
The biggest donater donated $150!!! WOW! THANK YOU! I won't reveal his identity until he OKs it, but I hope he'll let me publicly thank him.
Anyway, I transferred the $1090 to the seller (OK, I dontated $143.99 making me bidder #2), and the printer is on it's way. As soon as it gets here I'll post pictures!
Again, thank you thank you thank you! Now to write dozens of personal thank you letters.
Wednesday, November 28, 2001

I included a map for those of you who don't know Toronto. The red star is our house, the black line is where the dog walked, the green star is where the dog was found, the purple line is the car trip she took, and the blue star is the dog clinic where she got picked up. As you can see, it's quite the walk!
We have no idea how she got all the way out to Richmond Hill… It would take something like six hours to walk that far. I suppose it's possible someone stole her right outside our house and then lost her while getting gas out in Richmond Hill. She's a very “stealable” dog. That's actually the only reason we got her back!
An old lady found her in Richmond Hill and decided to keep her. She took her in to her vet to get her checked out. Her vet scanned her, and the scan showed us as the owners — plus we'd already notified PetNet that she was missing, so they wouldn't allow a vet to do an ownership update…
Image update later today — I started working on it yesterday, so expect a big one. Scroll down one entry to see info on the mini-fundraiser please… It's doing OK — as of right now you've donated $295.94! Thank you! Even if you only donated $1.00, thank you! Every bit helps!
Tuesday, November 27, 2001
First, and most importantly, the dog is fine! She got picked up about ten miles from here (!!!!!) and then went to a very nice shelter and spent the day playing with other lost dogs and had a great time. Unfortunately, I suspect that this means that she has learned the wrong lesson.
She's a very smart dog — when she makes a mess in the kitchen, she picks up the paper towels and actually wipes up the mess and pushes it into the corner… So I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that she now has a puppy mythology that includes dog heaven which you can reach by running as far away as possible.
In any case, she's safe now.
As I mentioned, the silver Team BME shirts may peel in the wash. Only about 50% of them are bad (that's when the printer tells us they switched to the new batch of ink). What I'd recommend is that you wash the shirt by hand to be safe. If you purchased that shirt (and paid for it), you have one of three options:
- a full refund including shipping
- a BMEshop coupon (including shipping)
- a limited edition BME shirt (we pay shipping)
You need to let Ryan or Corrie know (don't tell me).
Here's the limited edition shirt that is being offered… If it was me, I'd go for the shirt: