Thursday, November 22, 2001
…everyone is down south but me…

Wednesday, November 21, 2001
About nine-hundred new images were posted last night, and I just posted the pending experiences as well. I have churchwork to do all day, so I worked late last night getting BME work done… But I did get a chance to throw together some funmail. I get the best letters to the editor:
From: “Stanley Metz” <> Subject: (no subject)
you guys are going to hell
From: John Palmer <> Subject: Why, oh Why?
I've thought I've seen everything on the net but hey guess what? There's always more fucked people in the world than I think there is and I find more everyday. Thank you for giving me a reason to live. This looks like it hurts.
11/20/0118:00:35 John Palmer Event Manager,Toronto TELAV/I.S.T.S.Audio Visual and Simultaneous Interpretation Services Tel:(416)234-5444 Ext:322 Fax:416)234-1974 124 The East Mall, Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5V5
From: “James Armstrong” <> Subject: Your Web Site Sickens Me
Dear Shannon, Your web site sickens me. Bravo!
Regards, JDA
From: dragonmasks <> Subject: sick shit
thats some fucked up shit. know any good taty places,
From: “John Hilton” <> Subject: hiya!, I'm kind of curious.
Whoa! This is some pretty freaky shit, where, and how do you get ahold of this stuff? Just wondering, I mean, you have to admit its interesting (in its own way)
Tuesday, November 20, 2001
I mentioned them a few days ago, but thought you might be interested in seeing them. We've got an eBay bid in on a plastic card writer (that also encodes magstrips), so replacement cards will go out. Right now we're just doing minister cards that are personalized like this, but hopefully it won't be long before we have the facilities to do this for all members as well:

Tuesday, November 20, 2001
1. I did a radio interview this morning at 8:30 AM on CFNY. I hope some of you got to hear it… It was pretty funny. I was half asleep, and I think I told the story about doing my first meatotomy, bleeding heavily, and freaking out and going to the hospital. The DJs were really cool about every — it was a good time and I'd be glad to go back any time.
2. As most people know, I resigned as a minister in the US branch of the church, and there has been some back-and-forth unpleasantry because of it. While I have some serious concerns about how the church is being run from a business point of view, none of that affects my feelings about the church's mission. What the church is trying to accomplish, is 100% valid, and I 100% support that mission.
I'm not sure what the best way for people in the US, in the general public, is to proceed, but I can tell you what I did: Act locally. The main reason I resigned from the Phoenix branch was that I was putting in a lot of effort but not seeing many results. I know that many of you feel the same way.
I'm now able to focus my efforts locally, and work with people hands-on locally, and I believe we are acheiving very positive changes in the Canadian branch. There are a few changes that the US branch needs to make in the application processes both for minsiters and members that I believe would make things run more smoothly, and give local congregations the ability to act with autonomy. I will continue to push for these things even though I'm not a minister there any more.
I know it sucks to keep waiting and waiting and waiting for things to happen that should have happened ages ago, but, they are happening. If you want speed them up, there is the option of working with ministers locally. I know it's not fair, especially to those that have sent money and gotten nothing, but remember why you first sent that money — I hope it was because you believed in what the church stood for, not for the people who ran it…