OK, I'm going to keep chugging along on the events engine today, so with any luck it should be done by day's end (so I can go to the convention)… There's really not much left to do on it, just a few little things like fiddling with the forum tie-in and adding a few admin features for broadcasts and shirt output.
As you know, more and more FBI screwups have continued to show up, involving things like “mistakenly capturing information (the FBI) was not entitled to have”. That is, spying on ordinary people and blaming it on a “technical error”. I should remind people at this point that most cell phone companies have dedicated lines to the FBI — if you speak on a cell phone, you are being recorded. Legally. It's public airwaves; they don't even need a judge's permission to listen. And, since the average person can't afford to spend $3000 on an encrypted phone, it will keep happening.
Oh, and if you use the phone at my house, don't ignore the big sticker over the phone that says: ASSUME THIS PHONE IS TAPPED.
I'm not saying this story about what Bin Laden is doing now is true, but is it just me, or are the spin-doctors setting him up as sort of the Muslim Che Guevara? Osama flying all over the world, fighting and helping organize revolutionary wars to free his people? Mark my words, in twenty years your children will be wearing OBL's photo on their t-shirts.
I'm sure everyone knows about the various “dirty bomber” BS… I'm glad that it's now finally been shown that it was total lies committed by the Bush administration to scare the public into giving them the money for the utterly unneeded homeland securty (aka police state) departments. Americans — READ these articles — you need to know what your government is doing to you!
Those are just a few stories from a variety of sources. Look at it logically — there are only two conclusions that we can come to from these stories in my opinion:
- The Bush administration can “resign or be prosecuted”. They'll have to step down in shame, and give up their power, and give up the enormous amounts of money they are currently stealing from the American people. They'll have to admit that this is not representative government, and that they'll commit any evil to get more money and power.
- The Bush administration can launch a major attack on the American people and blame it “terror” to justify everything that they're doing and keep the American people scared and willing. Remember as well that this was the plan in the 1960s. The US military proposed committing terrorist acts against America and blaming it on Cuba to create a pretext for invasion.
So… Which one is more likely? #1 is unheard of in American politics, whereas #2 fits in perfectly with their behavior up until now. Now here's the million dollar question: what US target will they sacrifice in the name of money? Will they hit New York again? Will they hit Los Angeles? Or will they hit smalltown America? And what will it do to Canada (America is currently considered the single largest military threat to Canada)?
Oh, and I should point out that when I say “they”, the attack quite likely will involved Islamic extremists… The easiest way to make an attack like this happen is for US intelligence agencies to help one of these crazy groups; then there's a patsy, and it's easier for them to keep the blood off their hands. But the attack still happens, and they control the whole thing (just like we all know now they did for 9/11) while maintain plausible deniability.
Now I really should get back to work…