Moving servers more…

OK, I've successfully moved the glossary, the poll system, and QOD over to the new server and they seem to be running fine. I'm going to continue moving pieces over, and then I'll be moving IAM (which means custom layout gets turned on too!). So… later today I'll make that announcement and I'll try and give a good estimate of how much downtime the IAM move will generate.

In other news… I'm going to be a bit vague who I'm talking about (he reminds me of Kimble), but I had a Canadian friend recently travelling from overseas come back home to Canada and had a stop-over in the US. Even if you're just stopping over, you still have to pass through US immigration for some reason. Anyway, he works in the tech sector as well, and has in the past had involvement with various hacker circles and got himself in some trouble along those lines a long time ago, but since then he's travelled and lived extensively in the US and abroad without difficulty (he lectures on scientific subjects internationally, as well as conducting business around the world).

Anyway, this time he got tagged as a “potential terrorist”… They used some “moral turpitude” clause and held him for a day and a half in an immigration prison. Luckily they eventually released him (although they didn't want to allow to continue to Canada; they wanted to make him return to overseas and then get a direct flight)… Anyway, I wanted to remind everyone that the FBI is now able to break into your home with very little to no proof, plant monitoring devices in your computer and elsewhere, and then give you “delayed notice” three or more months later (as long as they want — the “delay” can be extended indefinitely). This isn't conspiracy stuff — this is happening, and it's law.

I'll also mention that the US government is currently doing everything in its power to block peace acts in the Sudan, and to keep the civil war going and to aggressively drill for oil (that's a link to the summary of the bill being blocked, which has been ammended to stop big oil companies from interfering in the Sudan). And it's not like they have to justify it… After all, Rumsfeld has actually said that proof should not be a requirement for starting a war when there's terror involved.

Finally, now America and Britain are talking about sending troops to India and Pakistan in an attempt to diffuse the upcoming nuclear war. Ah, good. America and Britain are there as well — hello World War Three!

"That hypocrite — smokes two packs a day"

When I was a teenager I was kicked out of my house twice for choosing to look different from how my parents wanted. When it was clear that I wasn't going to change, my parents paid a medical hit man to try and kill me. I'm not kidding about the last part.

The first time was when I was I think sixteen and pierced my own nose — my father didn't really care (he just told me, “if you're going to be a sociopath, stop telling everyone”) but my mother, descended from German royalty, found it offensive. I was literally thrown out on the spot and was not permitted to return until it was removed. I was sixteen, living in the country, hours walking distance away from the nearest town, with no job or job prospects. It was either remove my nostril stud or live in a field until I starved to death, so it was not long before I returned (although it had made me pick up a nasty smoking habit from the stress).

Perhaps a year later, I cut my shoulder-length hair down to a Mohawk and, as it says in the song, “I'll kick you out of my home if you don't cut that hair”. I spent about a week exiled, and returned under the condition that I not wear my hair up and that I grow out the sides. At this point I was already starting to tattoo and pierce myself more (although my parents basically didn't know about it), and my relationship with both my parents started going downhill rapidly. Among other things, I was accused of being gay, which had already resulted in the disowning of another family member.

As you know, at that point I was doing software development both for my own company and for my father's company. It was not an uncommon event for me to be woken up by my father late at night and told that I'd have to have some software module done by morning, or he'd “kill me, bury me in the woods along with my stuff, and tell everyone I ran away.” Because I'd been kicked out a couple times already, it was a very plausible story that I thought people would believe, and as a result, I became a very solid worker very fast. I believed, and I still believe that it was a very real threat.

When I was young, nobody believed me when I told them this was happening. They'd made it very clear to me that even though I was both working a high-end job and pulling in a mid 90's average at school (I was literally at the top of my class), they were deeply ashamed of me and didn't want to be seen in public with me and that they certainly didn't trust me or believe anything I said. At this point (as in now, not then) my father has publicly gone totally crazy and most of my family and even some neighbors have restraining orders against him. But even still, even after all this has been revealed, it's been made clear to me that even after seeing him do it to others, they don't believe me about my experiences with him as a teen. The closest thing to an admittance is comments along the lines of “but it was your fault; you were asking for it.” They actually had the gall to claim that it was me that was threatening to kill him.

I'll quickly fast forward over the next couple of years to put things in context. I went to York University on a fine arts scholarship. I chose York largely because I wanted to distance myself from the hard sciences, which was what my family wanted me to pursue. Even though I aced all my exams at university, I was “lost”, for lack of a better word. I barely attended classes, spent most of my time dealing (and doing) drugs and stealing high-end electronics, and ended up dropping out without really completing much of the first year. I started a telephony company with a friend, and the stress got to be a little much for me after four months. We hadn't made sales as the product was still in development, and I ended up moving back home for a short period.

The combination of the continued abuse from my father coupled with the “shame” and “disappointment” that my mother exuded eventually pushed me to the point of a nervous breakdown. My mother forced me to visit the utterly incompetent doctors at the local small-town psyche-ward (just a room in the run-down hospital filled with some old rotting people who tore out their own hair). In part under her guidance, these doctors diagnosed me as “schizophrenic” (which is utterly false — they simply didn't think that a sane but obviously eccentric person could be interested in piercings and tattoos and still be high-functioning) and put me on intense levels of anti-psychotic drugs, which hugely messed up my brain chemistry.

I became a total zombie and absolutely wasn't myself. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't work or program, I couldn't read, and I couldn't even focus on television shows. I couldn't wake up and I couldn't sleep. I was moved to Toronto mostly to get away from my father, and eventually I overdosed on the psychiatric drugs they were force-feeding me (I'd been told that if I didn't take them, I'd have to spend the rest of my life in lock-down). My breathing and heart failed, and if it wasn't for a series of luckily timed coincidences I wouldn't have woken up a week later in the Clark Institute with my sinuses full of blood and on a 30-day lock-down form. It's taken me a long time to really understand and accept how all of this occurred: My mother was so ashamed of me because of her personal prejudices that she, along with the medical community, chose to murder me rather than accept who I was as a person — it's a far too common story that I've seen here on IAM a few times now, and I've seen mirrored in hundreds of experiences on BME. I'm sure they hoped that they could make me someone else, but that's just not an option. You either embrace who a person is, or you kill them. They chose to attempt to kill me, and nearly succeeded.

Luckily I met a doctor that recognized that I was not schizophrenic, and that my only problem was that I'd been put on drugs I should not have been on. He helped wean me off of them (at this point I was being prescribed large doses of both anti-psychotics and tranquilizers), and I went back to “normal,” although at this point I have very little memory of my personal life, and my memory problems continue up to this day. I assume this is in part self-imposed psychological blockage, and in part physical damage from the drugs and subsequent overdose. I should point out that “normal” included resuming body modification practices.

My friend and I fired up our company again (I hope he'll read this and understand that he, along with my other friends at the time, deserve much of the credit for saving my life), and it quickly started doing very well. Our products were well received by the industry, we got great press both in the trade journals and in consumer-level magazines like WIRED, and started landing larger contracts. I attended the University of Toronto for a year for computer science, and, most importantly, started BME and as I said, began getting more seriously back into body modification — and you know the rest of that story.

Anyway, getting back to the now of the core story, a while back I had to turn off the public access aspects of IAM because my father was using it to spy on me and would cut and paste parts of it and create “fake emails” from me to him that didn't make any sense, but still looked like I'd written them, and then forward them to family members and associates in an attempt to make them think that not only did we have contact, but that I was the crazy one. At this point my mother claimed not to know about the IAM site, and because of what my father had done, then understood that it was private. She also knew that my sister has an account here as well, and numerous times stated that she didn't know what went on on the site.

She started asking me odd questions, pretending not to know the answers, even though I know now she already knew them because of her anonymous monitoring. She continued to make it clear that she did not have access, as she knew that not only would I not appreciate the spying, but running anonymous spy accounts is counter to the philosophy of the site and I have talked at length about that to her (I had done my best over the previous five years to reconstruct that relationship, and until recently I assumed that my mother had finally “accepted” who I was). I don't run a tracker on my page, so I didn't know about the spy account, but a few of my here friends do have trackers, and asked my why an anonymous spy account called “Kay” kept coming to their page. I looked into it, and my mother had bought an account and was using it to spy on myself, Rachel, and my sister, along with anyone that we regularly communicated with or mentioned.

This isn't the first time that I've had to delete parents from IAM, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Anyway, the point of the story is that I won't tolerate what amounts to placing hidden cameras in our home, be it from an anonymous pervert or be it a parent or ex-boyfriend or other “targeted spy”. It runs counter to everything that IAM stands for, and so far over three thousand spy accounts have been found and removed (yes, it's that big a problem).

Anyway, this coupled with the fact that my mother and grandmother have been doing everything they can to stop my sister from attending University of Toronto (even though it's a better school) simply because they don't want her around me (it's clear that they're “afraid she might turn out like me”) has made this the final straw. They have even told my sister that they'll give her a car if she doesn't go to school near me, and I suspect will now only help her pay for school if she doesn't come to Toronto. Obviously I'll gladly send my sister to university, but I really shouldn't have to.

In any case, now I officially have no parents at all. Funny thing is, I still have a big family here, so I don't really feel much of a sense of loss.

Regarding tongue piercing and splitting

Below is an open letter that I sent to a writer at the Lansing State Journal, regarding an article they published on tongue splitting and tongue piercing (which can be found online here). If anyone sees articles published in local papers, they are more than welcome to either forward them this letter as well, or gut it to write their own letter.

Dear Stacey Range,

My name is Shannon Larratt. I am the publisher of BME: Body Modification Ezine (, the world's largest resource on body modification subjects. Our community built sites share the experiences of hundreds of thousands of body modification enthusiasts and professionals around the world. I have extensively researched body modification of all kinds (from piercings and tattoos to all forms of counter-culture surgery), and I would like to point out to you a multitude of problems that are included in your recent story on tongue piercing and splitting. On top of my professional interaction with this subject, I have had a split tongue now for five years, and personally know dozens of other people with theirs split as well.

You've quoted Gary Zoutendam, past president of the Michigan Dental Association and an oral surgeon in Battle Creek, in saying, "no trained professional in their right mind would perform this procedure." Mr. Zoutendam seems to fail to realize that this procedure is being performed by trained medical professionals, including doctors such as Albany's Dr. Lawrence Busino, a respected oral and maxillofacial surgeon and Fellow in the Pierre Fauchard Academy. Many other surgeons including Dr. Joe Rosen of the renowned Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center have been urging the medical mainstream to embrace such procedures. While it is true that some small minded doctors who are more concerned with forcing their cultural prejudices on the rest of us may object, most of the "higher end" doctors are in support of the procedure being permitted (even if they'd personally never consider having it done).

You mention that "state representatives could take action on a bill this week that would prohibit anyone from splitting another person's tongue." I feel it is important to point out that it is already illegal for an amateur (for example, a piercer) to perform such a medical procedure. So we know that this bill has nothing to do with controlling "underground surgery" or enhancing "public safety" anything like that. This is about restricting personal freedom. The bill takes an unprecedented step by telling doctors that they do not have the right to perform a relatively minor procedure because it is "unnatural" or "mutilation" in the eyes of some medically ignorant legislators. Personally I'm no fan of breast implants, but I'm intelligent enough (and value liberty enough) to understand that as long as the procedure is relatively safe, it is not my place to tell doctors that they're not allowed to do it just because I don't like it.

As far as the companion bill limiting tongue piercing to licensed health professionals, tongue piercing is statistically one of the safest piercings a person can get, so again, this is clearly a piece of targeted and prejudiced legislation by someone attempting to force their personal views on their community. Goodbye freedom. Making tongue piercing a service limited to doctors would have three effects. First, it would leave only low quality studios that don't care about a law against piercing tongues. Second, it would mean that doctors -- who are simply not trained to pierce -- would start offering piercing. Third, it would mean that the cost of tongue piercing would skyrocket. The end result of these things would be that people would get lower quality tongue piercings at a higher cost.

State Rep. William Callahan, who sponsored both the tongue splitting and tongue piercing bills, calls tongue splitting "mutilation, not modification", and claims that he makes this differentiation because tongue splitting is "unacceptable" (well there's a well thought out reason!). Callahan has flat out admitted that this is about forcing his ideas on the world (the difference between "mutilation" and "modification" is personal preference, not medical fact). If anything is "unacceptable" in a free society, government stealing more and more of its citizens right is it. It is not Mr. Callahan's place to ban things because he considers them mutilation -- he must show that they are harmful, and because neither of these things are harmful, he should have no ability to ban them.

You mention that none of the Lansing-area tattoo parlors are performing tongue splitting. Why would they? Piercers are good at piercing -- it's what they're trained to do. They are not doctors. They do not in general have the training required to perform a tongue splitting safely. That doesn't mean the procedure should be banned -- that means that people should be able to go to doctors to have it done safely. A race car driver can't fly an airplane, but pilots can. Should we ban airplanes because a race car driver can't fly them safely? Of course not -- this line of thinking is ludicrous.

You quote David Fox of the Michigan State Medical Society as claiming "a split tongue may impair the normal chewing and food movement functions of the tongue and possibly result in a permanent lisp or slurred speech. No one knows what the long-term health effects may be." This is a false and absolutely ridiculous statement. Not only does the body modification community have a decade of experience with this procedure, but oral surgeons know exactly what both the long and short term health effects are of cuttings of the tongue (none). Analogous procedures are done regularly on people with cancers and a variety of tongue related diseases. This procedure is absolutely not a mystery.

You quote Tom Kochheiser of the Michigan Dental Association as saying "there's nothing positive about either one of these procedures [tongue splitting and piercing]." It should be obvious to anyone reading this that Mr. Kochheiser is a closed-minded fool that can't accept anything beyond his own viewpoint. Tongue piercing and splitting may do nothing positive for him personally, but it has done positive things for hundreds of thousands of people and he has no right to try and help take those things away from them.

You quote Mr. Zoutendam again as saying that both tongue splitting and tongue piercing can be dangerous. If we're going to play the "can be dangerous" game, it is important to point out that pretty much every single oral cosmetic procedure endorsed by these dental societies are hundreds if not thousands of times more dangerous than tongue piercing, and are by no means any safer than tongue splitting.

You say that infection is the most common complication with tongue piercing because the mouth contains millions of bacteria. In actuality, infection is extremely rare in tongue piercings, which are the least likely of all piercings to become infected. Tongue piercings are less likely statistically to become infected than paper cuts are (should we ban paper?). This is the case precisely BECAUSE the mouth contains millions of bacteria, and since we regularly cut our mouths and tongues while eating, the mouth is very good at healing itself.

You then say that "a swollen tongue can block the airway and lead to suffocation". This is another one of those "could" games. If I go for a walk outside, I may be struck by lightning. In fact, about one hundred people die every year in the United States alone from lightning strikes. Should we broadcast lightning warnings every day so people can stay indoors, or maybe make people wear lightning deflecting hats? Maybe we should train "lightning guides", and then walking outside can only be done when accompanied by a trained lightning guide.

ZERO people have died from tongue piercing. Zero as in NONE. Zero out of probably a million piercings. That's safer than almost everything else we do... Considering that over the past quarter-century, death penalty judgements in the United States have had a national error rate of 68%, a person is far more likely to be "accidentally murdered by the state" for a crime they didn't commit than they are to die from a tongue piercing.

You also warn that mouth jewelry itself can be swallowed or chip teeth. Chipped teeth only generally happens if the jewelry is too long, and swallowing jewelry is entirely harmless. As far as your warning of uncontrollable bleeding or blood poisoning, that is absolutely ridiculous, and short of using a butcher knife to perform the piercing, I can't imagine how such an outcome could be achieved.

You mention that once split, the tongue may never grow back together. Maybe you're not seeing it, but THAT'S THE POINT. It's not supposed to grow back together. You also say that repair would involve surgery to sew the muscle back together. That's true, but it's a simple procedure with minimal risk, which is a large part of the reason that qualified and open-minded surgeons are willing to perform the procedure.

You quote Dr. Daniel Abraham, a dermatologist who does some cosmetic procedures at his Durand clinic, in saying that he "would never consider a patient's request to have a tongue split," and that even though he performs things such as Botox injections, "he considers tongue splitting too extreme". Ignoring the fact that Dr. Abraham is not an oral surgeon and is thus not qualified to perform a tongue splitting, I'd like to point out that when doctors refuse to do valid procedures, they force those procedures into untrained hands. Second, considering he's making money injecting Botox (botulism) and doing a variety of other equally questionable (and risky) procedures, it's quite obvious that this is simply cultural prejudice, and not a medical opinion.

These doctors should be ashamed of themselves -- it is utterly unacceptable for them to act as judges over what cosmetic procedure is allowed simply because it "grosses them out". Aesthetics are personal, and in a free society it is a basic right that we are allowed to control our body's appearance, including through surgery if we choose to.

Finally, I'd like to thank you for finishing your article with the quote from Seth Griffin (who I should point out has not had his speech changed by the tongue split -- he's always had a slight lisp). Seth said, "it's just about feeling good about yourself and standing out." Shouldn't that be good enough? Seth has had a procedure that is safe and has made him happy. If anything, we need more procedures like this being done. Freedom and happiness are good things.


Shannon Larratt
Body Modification Ezine

PS. Feel free to forward this letter to any journalists or groups you feel would benefit from it, and feel free to pass on my email address ( and use it for reference on future articles on body modification subjects.

Whew! Are my fingers ever tired!
Hopefully I got my message across.

Don't go to Splash of Color…

I will write more on this later, but I hope that anyone reading this in the East Lansing area stops going to Splash of Color. Let me quote Kris Lachance, the owner, who has decided to make herself a traitor to this community:

"[Tongue splitting] is extreme multilation. I can't even imagine why someone would want to do that to their tongue. It's totally gross."

I can't even begin to say how uncool I think it is for a piercing shop to do public interviews slagging body modification. You don't like it personally? Fine — so don't get it done, but it is your job to support this community. You think it should be done by doctors? Fine — so say that, it's a responsible stance, and overall the one I take. But clue in that when you attack and villify tongue splitting and help in getting it banned altogether, you're attacking a lot more.

There's currently a bill up for vote in Michigan that would ban tongue splitting entirely — not even doctors would be allowed to do it. Attached to this bill is another that would also ban tongue piercing by all but medical professionals. We really don't need people like Kris Lachance of Splash of Color helping them shut us down . If you live in the area, I hope you'll let her know that this type of behavior is unacceptable.

Anyway, I have a lot more to say on this whole thing, but I'm out the door right now, so it'll wait probably until tomorrow morning.

PS. I think Seth did a good job at least.


I'm going to start working on an image update shortly. I was reading Charley Reese's column this morning (worth reading), and I realized something… At this point it's pretty clear that — all conspiracy theories aside — the US government, if not directly involved, not only allowed, but encouraged the 9/11 attacks both by fanning the flames and by actively blocking investigation into the people involved.

The end result of that was exactly what the Pentagon and the defense sector had hoped: an enormous increase in the amount of spending in their arena (resulting in lots of poorly made equipment which resulted in needless death of people on both sides). However, Americans aren't going to let their government screw them over like this forever, so the government has been issuing these ludicrous and over-the-top terror warnings that get increasingly silly — even things like stating that the next attacks will come via scuba divers.

Now we're even getting warned (and being movie'd) that the next attack may well be nuclear, and will definitely be worse than 9/11. However, no evidence or specifics have ever been presented, not a single one of the warnings has even vaguely come true, and it's pretty damn clear that it's nothing but fearmongering to keep America's citizens in support of the war spending. Read that: not in support of war, but in support of war spending. That's what the Bush administration cares about.

Let's assume for a moment that Osama yo Mama doesn't have a nuke in Los Angeles or the capability to do any real damage to the US (because as horrible as it is, the 9/11 attack was minor, and far less than many countries have dealt with in recent history). That means that eventually Americans will eventually get fed up with all this fearmongering (and I think they are already getting there). Which leaves the current US government with two options:

  1. Back down, admit it was all lies, lose their war grants, and get voted out of power in the next election.
  2. Stage a domestic attack personally, or allow/help a terrorist group to do so.

In the entire history of the world, governments doing the first is virtually unheard of. The second option though America now knows it just saw happen with the 9/11 attacks. In addition, at this point we've all seen (well all of us that read the news) the recently FOIA'd plans drawn up by the Pentagon in the sixties to bomb US cities and blame it on Cuba in an attempt to allow them to attack Cuba.

So yes, America, you're getting attacked again.
…but don't think you need to look farther than your own borders to find your terrorists!