Three pictures

Rachel's Red Car

Rachel's Four-wheeler

My development machine

Yes, as you may have noticed, Rachel has a toy penchant that certainly approaches mine. That said, as much as her Porsche is super slick and one of the greatest summer cars you can own (it's a C2, not a C4, and even a C4, stock, isn't really that great in the winter), I really prefer driving my diry old vette; it's just so satifying gutterally (peniley?), although it's really scary at speed (which isn't much).

As you can see I've finally set up a proper desk (I worked on a couch for five years), which means I can plug in multiple monitors. This has definitely made my work go much faster as it allows me to properly multi-task. On one side of my I have the three monitors on the development box (shown above), and on the other side are three more monitors for the video editing box.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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