More BBQ shirt musings

I have about a week longer to submit the designs, and, because I'd really like to submit the shirts using the new event engine's t-shirt request module, it will be a week. Anyway, I was fiddling with a tri-tonal verson of the shirt. Also, I wanted to hear any productive feedback on which of the following two options is better:

  1. Charge $10 for the shirts. My cost will probably be $8+tax, so that's making a few bucks and nothing more. Any covering of BBQ costs would have to come through donations.
  2. Charge $15 for the shirts. That's making $5, which means that about $500 profit is made on 100 shirts, which certainly covers half of the core cost of the BBQ.
  3. Charge $20 for the shirts. That's $1000 profit on 100 shirts of course. This is what I normally do, which makes the BBQs almost break even.

The BBQ costs me between $700 and $1500 depending on how much I provide food/drink-wise, and, more importantly, how many fireworks we launch. Of course, I could always charge the $10, and then have a donation bucket to cover the other costs.

Anyway, here is that new shirt idea (and yes nitpickers, the tiny overprint by the bucket is fixed in my master):

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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