Nefarious and I finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today. As is surely no surprise to anyone it was a big hit, and I’m looking forward to starting on the sequel tomorrow.
Today began with flying — reviewing stalls and spins, which are lots of fun, although spins/spirals are a little disconcerting because of the G forces being so much higher than anything else I’ve done in the Cessna and it really doesn’t seem like it can take that much loading. I would love one day to learn aerobatic flight, although what I really want is a sea plane, so I think getting certified on that, along with my instrument certification, is what I want to do next.
On the way to the airport I got hassled by the cops once again (they ignored the blatant speeders and pulled me over instead). First they tried to tell me that my tires weren’t street legal — even though they are, and it says right on them that they are. Then they complained that they stuck out too far, which they don’t, because I have extra-wide fender flares to cover them. Finally they fell back on the old standard of “you need to have mudflaps”, which first of all is not true, and second, even if it was, they can’t cite me for it on a sunny day. Failing to find any legit reason to ticket me, they told me that they were going to send me to the ministry so they could do a complete audit of my truck for legality and roadworthiness — right then and there. I told them that I was headed to school, and pointed out my books and headset, and the cop rolled his eyes and said something snide like “oh, it figures you’d be a pilot.”
He did end up letting me go, after I promised to put mudflaps on later in the day. Largely to save myself the headache of constant harassment from power-tripping pigs that don’t know the law, I actually did end up picking up a $30 set of mudflaps that I’ll screw on next time I have a spare moment. I’m not flying again until Friday, but tomorrow I’ve got my medical for my pilot’s license, and then on Thursday I’m at the hospital for other stuff.

After supper I took Nefarious and her friend Cassie to the park — it’s really nice playing there in the evenings because it’s a little cooler. Someone had left newspaper lying around so I made paper hats and paper planes for all the kids in the group to play with and we had tons of fun. Caitlin stayed home and tells me it was good timing on account of our neighbour (the one with the band) and his girlfriend having one of their screaming matches.
Before going to the park, we stopped at McDonalds to get McFlurries at the drive-through. They took my order and confirmed it, and then took my money. The line was moving slowly, so I probably had to wait about five minutes by the time I got to the final pick-up window. The girl stuck her head out the window and asked me what I ordered. I repeated that I’d gotten three McFlurries, and she said, “oh, the ice cream machine is broken so we’re not serving those today.”
Then she goes back in to doing other stuff. I’m sort of confused by this, and wait. She comes back to the window and stares at me, as if she’s wondering why I haven’t left yet. I’m like, “um… so… I’m not getting my McFlurries?”
“No, we don’t have them today.”
And she just stares at me.
“So… are you going to give me my money back then?” I ask.
“Oh, you wanted to get a refund?” she says, acting surprised.
“Of course I want a refund if you’re not going to give me what I ordered!” I tell her and, after waiting another couple minutes, she comes back with my money. Very strange that she would think that I wouldn’t want my money back.
Anyway, other than that Nefarious has been putting on concerts, which are arrangements of her own songs, combined with a dance routine. What I thought was really cool — and certainly beyond anything I thought to do as a six year old — is that she’s not only been writing out lyrics, but when she writes them out, she also scripts her choreography! I just love it… she really lights up my life! She’s been asking to be put in a performing arts program (singing most of all), so I think it’s definitely time for that and when the school year starts, something will be sorted out for sure.