Continued Flying Lessons

I’m greatly enjoying flying again — I feel much more confident at it now than I did in the past, both on the technical issues of flying, as well as secondary things like radio protocols, which I tended to stumble over in the past. Today was a lot of fun because it was so turbulent, and the plane was getting tossed around quite a bit. I do my medical on Wednesday, so I should be flying solo quite soon. I’m definitely looking forward to getting the whole license completed so that I can do things like rent planes and take much more interesting and unrestricted trips than would otherwise be possible — especially if I want to go explore Nunavut and other places that can really only be toured by air.



Rainy Day at TT

The stormy weather stopped us from committing to a lengthy drive only to be stuck in swimmingless waters, so instead we went to Tommy Thompson park (it’s only open fully on the weekends) and walked most of its length. Nefarious and Caitlin were on snail rescue duty, moving them off the path, where many had been crushed by uncareful stompmasters, and into the bushes — not that they could keep up with the multitudes of them that littered the road. I always enjoy going there, but the many mosquitoes made it a bit less fun for my companion hikers.


Later on I read lots more of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to Nefarious and Cassie — she enjoyed it as well because they’re studying it at her school and we were at about the same point in the book as she’d left off at. And now it’s time to get Cassie home and Nefarious off to bed so that I can watch the fight! As I said, my fight predictions for the main card are Lesnar, St. Pierre, and Henderson. I’ll refrain from commenting on the results for those of you who have to wait for the torrent!


Another nice full day

Nefarious hung out with reptiles and amphibians today, with many animal visitors coming to her camp.

I dozed off a bit at first, but I did still go to the park and do a little writing this afternoon, and after I picked Nefarious up from school we went and got her friend Cassie and went to the park to have some ice cream and play. When they got tired of the play area we went on a loooooonnnnng hike through the forest, on particularly overgrown and steep paths.   …more of that continues after the break…



The Scary Chicken Story

This is from a letter I sent Nefarious earlier this summer when she was visiting LA (I didn’t save the text, thus it’s in picture form). It’s written in simple English to make it easier for her to read, but it’s a story that she loves to be told and I’ve told it in quite a few different variations…

A Waking Life?

I took the picture below — “fallin in and out a reality” — at the park today where I went to write. I got an HP Mini 1000 (chosen mostly because I found its keyboard easiest to type on) so that I could write outside the house, away from the distraction of the Internet and the television which makes self-regulated work by weak-willed individuals such as myself difficult. So I go to the forest and sit on a fallen tree trunk instead of my comfy couch, and I get much more done.
