So in the pictures above you can see the contraption I made to pass sound to the outdoor speakers. Four speaker wires hook up to the stereo as normal, but then the negative lines merge (since they're just a ground basically). I pass those three lines into a standard female three-prong power plug (so the ground wire carries the negative foundation, and the left and right positive/negative terminals represent the two positive speaker connections), and then at the other end do the same in reverse but with a male plug.
As a result, I can use standard three-prong extension cord, rather than speaker cable, to pass the signal to the speakers out in the field. Not only that, but if I want more than one speaker pair, all I have to do is use a power bar or something to split the signal. Or if I want to I can even use a power bar with a breaker in it to protect the speakers from getting blown.
Meh, it's beautiful in its simplicity.
In other news, the US admits to using torture (more and more) as a means of obtaining information from potential witnesses and enemies of the state, ignoring the fact that they're Geneva Convention violations. Add to the big picture the 50% tax cut for the rich… The fall of the United States from first world independent and free nation to failing third world oppressive superpower is very sad to watch. Very sad.
At least Bush has now slipped back to 55% approval (according to CNN). He hasn't been that low since September 10, 2001 — seriously, I'm not making that date up — on September 11th, 2001 he jumped up to 86% (show me the logic there; allow your people to get sacrificed so you can get richer and they like you more). Anyway, the problem is that under the ultra-limited two-party right-wing political spectrum that the American people have to choose from, there isn't really much alternative provided at election time anyway…
Obligatory feel good story.
On the other hand, developments in Asia are increasingly disturbing. Lots of nuclear bombs (or maybe not) in North Korea… but what's interesting is that South Koreans don't particularly fear the North — they fear America, as to them, and most of the world, America has become a warmongering nation that bases its foreign policy on lies and extortion. Seriously, what a sad comment that a literally insane dictator with nuclear weaponry is considered more safe and sane than the US government.
I wonder… When did the people of Rome realize that Rome had fallen?