
According to Russia, North Korea is just blowing smoke. While they do admit their intelligence on the subject is ten years out of date, the quote is still kind of funny in it's “listen, you bunch of over-reacting idiots” simplicity:

North Korea does not have the capacity to put together nuclear weapons. A developed industry is needed for that.

Link: War Toys' Camouflage of National Character

Anyway, other than that I'm working away madly on the New Year's update. In the my-life-as-a-soap-opera division, my sister and Rachel are in Toronto. I guess my mother is worried that she's getting subverted, as I just got an email from her telling me what a disservice I'm doing to young people by running BME, and that I shouldn't be telling people that they have rights that they don't have… That I'd be doing the world a favor if I just shut down any editorial aspect to the site and “ran it like a real business”.

Some people just don't get what's important…

PS. I'm not an idiot. Don't think that you can send me a two page email telling me how what I believe in is destroying the world, and then follow it with a “but I accept you no matter what you choose” and have me believe it…

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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