Sunday, December 29, 2002
I'm not going to be online a lot over the next 48 hours as I'll be doing all the final touches on the New Year's update. Plus I got FAP'ed last night by the satellite provider for exceeding my download limit which was pretty annoying. Anyway, anything in italics is a direct quote, the rest is paraphrase:
US: North Korea, if you don't stop making these crazy nuclear threats, we're going to tell your neighbors to stop trading with you.
N Korea: Once again, you are rattling off preposterous slander against our Republic. You are so stupid, and have such a worthless and deceptive record that it's hardly possible that sound remarks will come out of your mouth.
I don't know… If it wasn't for the nukes in the middle of it, it would be kind of funny. The North Koreans are a lot more amusing than Saddam Hussein. You know, instead of Northrop-Grumman supplying the tools of the trade, I propose that NERF become the leading defense contractor. Make people fight with silly safe weapons for a change.
PS. If anyone can give Marty a ride up to the New Year's BBQ it would be greatly appreciated.
Saturday, December 28, 2002
I've finally started actually building the update for 01/01/03… The backend software stuff is all functioning as far as I can tell. Anyway, I've only gotten through the first few hundred pictures so far I think, but this one struck me (and I really prefer my 2003 logo overlay to previous ones, plus the new scaling algorithms are gorgeous):

It's the biggest apadravya I've seen in a while — 33mm, or about 1 5/16“. In addition, I've found at least my main cover image for the update. The only hint I'll give is that it's a gorgeous play piercing photo of an IAM member. (It might change, but so far I'm really sold on this picture).
But that's all I'll say!
Anyway, if you have pictures in the queue, your password will go out you tonight, tomorrow, or Monday. Experiences will be getting processed on Monday, and the update will most likely be posted around noon on the 31st (Tuesday), just before the BBQ starts.
Saturday, December 28, 2002
Saturday, December 28, 2002
This is from “The Illustrated Story of Copyright”, a present from rebekah, in a chapter discussing the formation and growth of the Library of Congress. Anyway, during the war of 1812, Canada and America had enormous fun sending drunks across the border to burn down each other's parliament buildings, including the big one at Queen and Bay in Toronto that many of you've probably seen (the antique sitting in front of the big curved one featured in Star Trek), as well as the White House and the original Library of Congress in the States.

But the quote really got me chuckling in a “Canadians still live in igloos, right?” kind of way — if I'm remembering correctly, what it meant to say is “…the Parliament Building in York, Upper Canada, now Toronto, Ontario”. I realize that one could argue that what they've written is correct, but it's very oddly worded if so, since it points out one name change (York to Toronto) but not the other.
Well, I thought it was funny…
Saturday, December 28, 2002
According to Russia, North Korea is just blowing smoke. While they do admit their intelligence on the subject is ten years out of date, the quote is still kind of funny in it's “listen, you bunch of over-reacting idiots” simplicity:
North Korea does not have the capacity to put together nuclear weapons. A developed industry is needed for that.
Link: War Toys' Camouflage of National Character
Anyway, other than that I'm working away madly on the New Year's update. In the my-life-as-a-soap-opera division, my sister and Rachel are in Toronto. I guess my mother is worried that she's getting subverted, as I just got an email from her telling me what a disservice I'm doing to young people by running BME, and that I shouldn't be telling people that they have rights that they don't have… That I'd be doing the world a favor if I just shut down any editorial aspect to the site and “ran it like a real business”.
Some people just don't get what's important…
PS. I'm not an idiot. Don't think that you can send me a two page email telling me how what I believe in is destroying the world, and then follow it with a “but I accept you no matter what you choose” and have me believe it…