
Messages from
(03/20 @ 08:11)
Dear Friends,

Starting tonight I won't be on I.AM for at least a few days. Myself and (as of right now) one other person are going on a hunger strike. We'll be demonstrating in front of the American Embassy in Ottawa. So if you happen to live here feel free to visit. Tell your friends!
I'm not sure how long we'll be there. I know that I will try to stay as long as I can. But if things don't go according to plans I will have to either stop demonstrating in front of the embassy and move elsewhere, or simply stay on the hunger strike at home. But if all goes well I'll be out there for at least three days.
Today there'll be a demonstration starting at Parliament Hill at 5:30. Once this is over I will head home, get some more clothes, blanket, and head down to the Embassy at around 8 in the evening.


As most of you probably already know, the murdering has already begun. After Iraq fired some pathetic missiles at US troop positions, 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' — perhaps the most insulting name possible — was launched. Even though Congress is supposed to authorise war (and no, their previous support of force did not authorise this), Bush sent them a letter that they should be prepared for many US casualties. But so should the Iraqis — no targets are off limits the “good guys” say — the Iraqi people have been warned by the US and the British to expect bombing of mosques, hospitals, and schools. While the US has nearly 300,000 troops potentially invading, the Turks have 70,000 along their border, ready for any excuse to slaughter the Kurds (America's allies?).

The top White House anti-terror boss Randy Beers (what a name!) has resigned. One former intelligence official explains his likely reasoning,

"Hardly a surprise. We have sacrificed a war on terror for a war with Iraq. I don't blame Randy at all. This just reflects the widespread thought that the war on terror is being set aside for the war with Iraq at the expense of our military and intel resources and the relationships with our allies."

Author and intelligence expert James Bamford added,

"There is a predominant belief in the intelligence community that an invasion of Iraq will cause more terrorism than it will prevent. There is also a tremendous amount of embarrassment by intelligence professionals that there have been so many lies out of the administration — by the president, (Vice President Dick) Cheney and (Secretary of State Colin) Powell — over Iraq."

"It is absurd that the president of the United States mentioned in a speech before the world information from phony documents and no one got fired. That alone has offended intelligence professionals throughout the services."

The Pope is usually pretty much a stumbling old-school zombie. He can hardly move, talk, or appear to stay awake. But in his meetings with world leaders he has been absolutely animated, to the point of yelling, pointing his finger, and banging on his table. The message is very clear: God is not on America's side in their self-serving holy war.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has announced that the war means that the US will have to scale back the rights of its citizens. Keep your eye on this one, and don't forget where income tax (aka “war tax”) came from in the US. Whenever the US has changed a law “for the war effort” it's not changed back — don't let your rights get sacrificed like your economy.

Finally, let me quote from Sen. Robert C. Byrd:

"I believe in this beautiful country. I have studied its roots and gloried in the wisdom of its magnificent Constitution. I have marveled at the wisdom of its founders and framers. Generation after generation of Americans has understood the lofty ideals that underlie our great Republic. I have been inspired by the story of their sacrifice and their strength."

"But, today I weep for my country. ... No more is the image of America one of strong, yet benevolent peacekeeper. The image of America has changed. Around the globe, our friends mistrust us, our word is disputed, our intentions are questioned."

"Instead of isolating Saddam Hussein, we seem to have isolated ourselves. We proclaim a new doctrine of preemption which is understood by few and feared by many. ... We assert that right without the sanction of any international body. As a result, the world has become a much more dangerous place."

"The case this Administration tries to make to justify its fixation with war is tainted by charges of falsified documents and circumstantial evidence. We cannot convince the world of the necessity of this war for one simple reason. This is a war of choice."

"There is no credible information to connect Saddam Hussein to 9/11."

"What is happening to this country? When did we become a nation which ignores and berates our friends? When did we decide to risk undermining international order by adopting a radical and doctrinaire approach to using our awesome military might? How can we abandon diplomatic efforts when the turmoil in the world cries out for diplomacy?"

"Why can this President not seem to see that America's true power lies not in its will to intimidate, but in its ability to inspire?"

Another quote, this one from Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Ohio):

"Iraq does not pose an imminent threat to the United States of any of its neighboring nations ... Iraq was not responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11. [...] Tonight President Bush has commanded U.S. forces to go to war in violation of American traditions of defensive war that have lasted since George Washington. This war is wrong; it violates the Constitution and international law."


There's no turning back now it seems, murder is the plan. Maybe I'm crazy, but I really believe that killing is wrong and should be avoided at all costs. Say it with whatever religion or pacifist philosophy you want, but murder is wrong… which means no offensive wars. Would I fight to protect “my country” from invasion? Of course. But I wouldn't fight in an illegal war of aggression, and that's what this is, and it shocks me that any civilized person would be willing to take part.

I'm very sad that the American people are about to be bankrupted over this and have their civil rights eroded even more. I'm very sorry that their fear has allowed evil men to subvert America. I'm very sad that hundreds of thousands, if not millions of innocent Iraqis are about to be brutally slaughtered (say what you want about Saddam's “evil”, but the people themselves are no more at fault than the people who were murdered in New York — victims of religious fanatics, big businesses, and governments that don't care about them). I'm very sad that potentially tens of thousands of US, British, and other Western troops are going to die horribly and alone, away from their homes, many believing misguidedly that they're improving the world.

It's all very sad.

Delta Force has been sent in with orders to execute Saddam Hussein. The US has made it clear that under no circumstances do they want him to stand trial, since in an impartial trial, they fear that the world could rally around him, especially once it's revealed (again) that the evidence against him is fraudulent and all charges are dismissed. Is he a brutal puppet dictator? Most definitely. Is he guilty of what the US is accusing him of and using to lauch this war? Most definitely not…

On a more pleasant note, the IM taskbar feature is definitely a go… The look/feel/functionality isn't totally set yet (the initial version will just be a message waiting indicator, but future versions will also notify you of buddy updates, forum posts, and all that jazz). Anyway, it'll go a little something like this:

Insert title here

First, I've added a bunch more verified professionals: Stigmata, Delaney, DAV1D A PIERCER, and Mahakala… I've seen some truly beautiful, absolutely top-notch studios submitted so far. I've had to turn down a couple people (and no, I won't tell you who) but on the whole the people who've applied so far are definitely people I'd trust to have work on me (or you).

Second, the snow's melting here, so I can roll out the “proof” that I'm a bourgeois fuck. Obviously that's not the case, and if you want to drive fun cars too and are willing to do the work yourself, it's really not expensive — for example, the Vette cost me all of $2000 US to buy (it was stock when I got it, but running and certified), not counting the parts that've been put into it since (over time).

Finally, I'm seeing a LOT of people submitting pictures of friends of theirs with heavier mods lately, to get themselves free access. While I don't mind if people share their extra accounts in general, I'm not cool with pictures of friends being submitted in small lots by numerous people just to get access… Please understand that now that people are starting to abuse this, it's putting me in a very uncomfortable position.

That is, if enough people abuse a “loophole” (free account privledges) it forces me to consider closing that loophole, which is not something I want to do. So please play fair.

Another update coming shortly

I'm finishing off the image update today (right now); according to the bot there are 840 pending images as of 6AM or whenever it updated the cover. 840 pending images usually means that there are about 400 actual viable images to add depending on who the sets are from, so it shouldn't take too long to do.

Then I've got a pile more verified professionals to add (yes, I'll get to you today, I'm sorry for taking so long), and some new stuff for BME/Risks and the glossary thanks to some helpers that I've been neglecting.

Then I have to write the specs for the new personals engine which I think I'm roping Derek into writing, and then figuring out a good links management system which I'll try and rope Jon into setting up and Rob into visually designing if they're willing.

Well, even the mainstream American news is telling the American people that the accusations driving this war are dubious at best… not that it's going to stop the war or anything crazy like that. After all, it's making Bush's buddies rich! Oh, and I'm pretty sure a military dictatorship enforced by an occupying army spraying dirty nukes isn't a democracy, but what do I know?

Bush wants $90 billion from the US people just to get started, and is expected to chew through any tax savings the people had (remember, “he hit the trifecta!”)… Meanwhile, the Vatican has issued a statement reminding the US and its backers in war that what they are doing is fundamentally wrong and that even if they get away with it, they still have to answer to god.

Finally, the US army is stretched thin. Now is the time for America's “real” enemies to strike; a bad corner has been backed into strategically. Ignoring the fact that if Iraq isn't killed totally by the firestorm, this is going to kill a lot of US soldiers (and even more Iraqis). Urban conflict, where US troops will be outnumbered 10:1 could turn out very badly.

It's all very sad and pointless.

You and I in a little toy shop…

Let me tell you a little about Israel. No, this entry isn't about Zionism, it's about body modification!

Thanks to Ladyorion for posting a translation of this Hebrew article (Happy Purim!) on the body modification community, including BME and the Lizardman… Some of the quotes are quite funny:

[BME] warns that it showcases dangerous, and even sometimes lethal activities, with doubtful legality. Each of these activities, done in every possible part of the body, has a specific name and a fan base, those who share their personal stories with the readers, explaining how to preform these strange procedures, and photographs. If ignoring the practical (and horrible) aspects of the website, it can be viewed upon from an anthropological aspect.

Well, I'm off to cook something yummy and guiltless. I feel like I should finish every entry with a bunch of Cat Stevens quotes or something… “You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do, and it's breakin' my heart in two…” But I think we all know that OZZY KNOWS BEST:

Generals gathered in their masses
just like witches at black masses
evil minds that plot destruction
sorcerers of death's construction
in the fields the bodies burning
as the war machine keeps turning
death and hatred to mankind
poisoning their brainwashed minds...
Oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
they only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'till their judgment day comes, yeah!

Now in darkness, world stops turning
as the war machine keeps burning
No more war pigs of the power
Hand of god has struck the hour
Day of judgment, god is calling
on their knees, the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings

Let the hatemail continue flowing… Oh, and while I'm quoting, thank to Meghan for reminding me of this famous quote from Hermann Goering (Luftewaffe commander, second in command of the Third Reiche):

"Of course, the people do not want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to the farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war . . . that is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it is a democracy or a fascist dicatorship or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."