Another update coming shortly

I'm finishing off the image update today (right now); according to the bot there are 840 pending images as of 6AM or whenever it updated the cover. 840 pending images usually means that there are about 400 actual viable images to add depending on who the sets are from, so it shouldn't take too long to do.

Then I've got a pile more verified professionals to add (yes, I'll get to you today, I'm sorry for taking so long), and some new stuff for BME/Risks and the glossary thanks to some helpers that I've been neglecting.

Then I have to write the specs for the new personals engine which I think I'm roping Derek into writing, and then figuring out a good links management system which I'll try and rope Jon into setting up and Rob into visually designing if they're willing.

Well, even the mainstream American news is telling the American people that the accusations driving this war are dubious at best… not that it's going to stop the war or anything crazy like that. After all, it's making Bush's buddies rich! Oh, and I'm pretty sure a military dictatorship enforced by an occupying army spraying dirty nukes isn't a democracy, but what do I know?

Bush wants $90 billion from the US people just to get started, and is expected to chew through any tax savings the people had (remember, “he hit the trifecta!”)… Meanwhile, the Vatican has issued a statement reminding the US and its backers in war that what they are doing is fundamentally wrong and that even if they get away with it, they still have to answer to god.

Finally, the US army is stretched thin. Now is the time for America's “real” enemies to strike; a bad corner has been backed into strategically. Ignoring the fact that if Iraq isn't killed totally by the firestorm, this is going to kill a lot of US soldiers (and even more Iraqis). Urban conflict, where US troops will be outnumbered 10:1 could turn out very badly.

It's all very sad and pointless.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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