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First, I've added a bunch more verified professionals: Stigmata, Delaney, DAV1D A PIERCER, and Mahakala… I've seen some truly beautiful, absolutely top-notch studios submitted so far. I've had to turn down a couple people (and no, I won't tell you who) but on the whole the people who've applied so far are definitely people I'd trust to have work on me (or you).

Second, the snow's melting here, so I can roll out the “proof” that I'm a bourgeois fuck. Obviously that's not the case, and if you want to drive fun cars too and are willing to do the work yourself, it's really not expensive — for example, the Vette cost me all of $2000 US to buy (it was stock when I got it, but running and certified), not counting the parts that've been put into it since (over time).

Finally, I'm seeing a LOT of people submitting pictures of friends of theirs with heavier mods lately, to get themselves free access. While I don't mind if people share their extra accounts in general, I'm not cool with pictures of friends being submitted in small lots by numerous people just to get access… Please understand that now that people are starting to abuse this, it's putting me in a very uncomfortable position.

That is, if enough people abuse a “loophole” (free account privledges) it forces me to consider closing that loophole, which is not something I want to do. So please play fair.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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