First of all, to all of you posting it over and over ;-) please read this BabyInk link. While I realize there's someone on IAM going around telling everyone that they took their kid there (for body painting, not tattooing), it's most definitely not real!
Last night at dinner sitting across from us was some joker blabbing on about the secrets to entrepreneurial success — all just quoting from some book he'd read of course. It was incredibly annoying to hear someone spout off “the four laws of success are…” or “the six rules of customer relations are…” while the whole time saying that it was all “backed up by statistics, and if you follow these rules you will succeed!” Dude, if that's true, go out and do it! Blabbing about it in a cheap restaurant doesn't make you an entrepreneur.
The part that really got me is when he started to talk about “creativity”, of course beginning with the statement “the four laws of creativity are…” I just wanted to get up, punch him in the gut, and yell, “YOU IDIOT! THERE ARE NO RULES TO CREATIVITY! THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT!!!!”
But meh… I guess some people go out and do things, and other people read books about doing things. It's not as if I don't have a zillion books on things I'll never do, and it's not as if I haven't talked loudly and excitedly (and maybe even ignorantly) about them — probably more so about things far removed from my day-to-day life. So in hindsight I was being an ass to have those thoughts.
Anyway, I've got a whack of new features that I'm building for you today… Finally building a complete set of gallery management tools that should make life much easier for a lot of people.
Finally, in the news, I'd like to attract attention to this story in the Washington Post, in which Rumsfeld admits that the US had no evidence of WMDs in Iraq and simply invaded because they figured 9-11 gave them an excuse. Here is the direct quote:
"The coalition did not act in Iraq because we had discovered dramatic new evidence of Iraq's pursuit. We acted because we saw the evidence in a dramatic new light — through the prism of our experience on 9-11."
Not that it matters… They're saying “but it was justified because (insert reason here)“… The big question now is will the American publlic forget that they spent two years being lied to in order to achieve this goal, whether they agree with the outcome or not.
But don't worry — the defense contractors (like Cheney) are getting very rich.
And that's what matters, right?