Check out the grafitti on Hex29A's page:

- The creation of BME was made possible by a grant from the “High Park Bomber”, an eccentric urban terrorist who mined Toronto's High Park and was eventually captured after blowing part of a kid's leg off.
- I spent time in the Queens University medical program and have handled a human brain with my bare ungloved hands. I was asked to leave that program not long afterwards.
- I was almost expelled from university for poisoning my classmates as “performance art”… but was later awarded an “A” for the same project.
- I once crashed a 1970s Plymouth Fury into a gas station and destroyed their diesel storage facilities… and didn't have a driver's license or insurance at the time.
- I was once contracted to develop software for the Hell's Angels to broadcast clandestine dog fights over the Internet as a streaming pay-per-view site.
- I once inserted a trojan horse into a $100,000 piece of software that would self-destruct if the client didn't pay, deleting their system and endlessly quoting Bladerunner… and activated it.
- I once accidentally killed a person by picking them up and shaking them too hard.
If you play this game too, mention it in the forum so I can check out your list! Cora's list is a lot more exciting than mine. I seem to lead a boring life. Or at least I seem to lead a boring secret life I'll say! All my exciting stories are already told!
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