
OK, I've got it spitting out pie charts (not that I'm doing anything but plugging into a Java module that I didn't write)… Upping it to other charts is easy. Tomorrow I'll focus on writing some code to (a) store all this data in an efficient format, and (b) do proper AND/OR searches and compares and all that.

But in the mean time… let's try and answer the age old question of who's better: girls or boys. I'd say that the data indicates what all women know: boys are crap and girls rule. Heh. Anyway, here's some charts. Don't take them too seriously.

Female Response
Male Response
“War is murder, war is ignorance?”
Guys are a lot more likely to support killing as a solution.
“Homosexuality is normal and should be supported in young people?”
Guys are a lot less likely to support freedom of sexual orientation as “natural”.
Have you ever been raped?
Women are a lot more likely to be sexually victimized than men.
“Prostitution should be legal?”
Men seem to want give the “right” of prostition a lot more than women want to accept it.
How often do you visit IAM?
Women spend more of their online time on IAM.
Sexual orientation?
Women are a lot more likely to blur the borders of their sexual orientation.

Survey going strong…

Wow; 3,000 people have filled out the survey already. I'm shooting for 5,000 people in all, but I know that's very very very ambitious. Tomorrow I hope to have a very preliminary “public access” page up and running that will allow you to delve into the results at your leisure. Anyway, here's a couple more tidbits, broken up into male and female. The “do you enjoy porn” chart was surprisingly close, but the sensible diet question was way off…

Night time

We were at the doctor today, he kept treating us like we were really poor — offering us free stuff and talking down to us like we couldn't afford anything. Then he kept grilling Rachel on vegan stuff. He was I think Tamil and was responding with stuff like “Ethical reasons…? I don't understand… You have to understand that from where I come from I don't know about such things…”

Yeah, because there's no vegetarians in India?

Anyway, we're getting out of here soon enough. It's a wonderful country, but I'm really looking forward to having some time away to relax and work with some hope of serenity and lack of distractions. We're actively looking at properties; on the right is one of a number that are getting serious consideration. Thank god for telecommuting. BMEfest 2004 location?


The current dataset (as of 2 PM) contains 2,104 answer sets (ie. 2,104 IAM members have filled out the survey so far). Below are some questions people had for the system (this will be publicly accessible later, and I will also release a slightly stripped down for privacy version that will include individual datasets). Sorry I couldn't answer them, my current search capability are a quick hack that's very limited in scope and power…

1. Goat asks, “How many people [on IAM] are religiously goth?”

Only four people selected that as their “religion”.

2. gorelord asks, “how many iam members are sxe, yet have trafficked drugs?”

Of straightedge IAM members (117), 14 (11.97%) have trafficked drugs, and of the ones who describe themselves as “militant” (14), 4 (22.22%) have trafficked drugs. By comparison, the average for all IAM members is 26.28%.

3. goddam asks, “how many people on iam wished they had bigger genitals and how many wished they had smaller genitals?”

324 people (15.4%) said they wish they had larger genitals, and 46 people (2.19%) said they wished they had smaller genitals.

4. kenoki asks, “I'd be interested to see the number of men vs. women who have had genital piercings.”

For males, here's the breakdown:
Prince albert – 255 (29.89%)
Ampallang or Apadravya – 106 (11.43%)
Dydoe – 9 (1.06%)
Frenum – 135 (14.56%)
Scrotal piercing – 101 (10.90%)
Guiche – 25 (2.70%)
Other male genital piercing – 58 (6.26%)

For women, here's the breakdown:
Horizontal hood piercing – 80 (6.93%)
Vertical hood piercing – 203 (17.59%)
Inner Labial piercing – 67 (5.81%)
Outer Labial piercing – 53 (4.59%)
Christina – 24 (2.08%)
Princess Albertina – 2 (0.17%)
Other female genital piercing – 35 (3.03%)

5. MiL0 asks, “I would like to know who thinks they're hotter than average?”

117 (5.56%) thought their face was much more atttractive than average, and 846 (40.21%) thought their face was more attractive than average. 48 (2.28%) thought their body was much more atttractive than average, and 411 (19.53%) thought their body was more attractive than average.

6. frank_prov asks, “how many feel their mods have effected them in a negative way”

That's a broad question, so I'll instead answer where some people feel they've been negatively treated:

Work (Job interview) – 835 (39.69%)
Work (quality) – 0103 (4.90%)
Work (Interactions with coworkers) – 425 (20.20%)
Work (Interactions with employer) – 510 (24.24%)
Work (Performance reviews) – 137 (6.51%)
Work (raises) – 140 (6.65%)
Work (Promotions) – 186 (8.84%)
School (fellow students) – 374 (17.78%)
School (teachers) – 495 (23.53%)
School (grades) – 46 (2.19%)
Family (parents) – 1120 (53.23%)
Family (siblings) – 272 (12.93%)
Family (extended family) – 758 (36.03%)
Friends (close) – 178 (08.46%)
Friends (social) – 352 (16.73%)
Authority figures (police, judges, etc.) – 619 (29.42%)
Retail sales staff – 724 (34.41%)
Restaurant service – 605 (28.75%)
Dating – 433 (20.58%)
Marriage – 43 (2.04%)

Not that it's a big surprise, but it's interesting to note that by a wide margin, the group most likely to give someone grief over body modifications is parents… That said, 199 (9.46%) said that their relationship with their parents was improved by their mods.

7. Boromir-_ asks, “How many on IAM smoke Marijuana regularly?”

Never – 1114 (53.38%)
Occasionally – 608 (29.13%)
Frequently (socially) – 144 (6.90%)
Frequently (privately) – 101 (4.84%)
Regularly, addicted – 120 (5.75%)

8. Terran asks, “how many people over 21 are sXe?”

On IAM, 50.21% of members are 21 or younger. When you limit that to members that identify as straightedge, that jumps to 63.7% being under 21 (which to me suggests that there's no real evidence of a “straightedge till 21″ phenomena).

9. joy asks, “Of those who've raped/murdered, what was the ratio of male: female?”

For males, 4 (0.43%) say they have committed rape, and 7 (0.76%) claim to have committed murder. For females, 4 as well (0.43%) say they have committed rape, but only 2 (0.17%) claim to have committed murder.

10. Finally, darkelvis asks, “how many IAM members have committed bestiality?”

65 (3.09%) say they have once, 41 (1.95%) say they have multiple times, and 3 (0.14%) say they still do…. 53 (2.52%) say that they never have but that they'd like to.


Thank you to everyone who's been answering the survey. Best “virtual $3038.33″ I've spent all year (the value of 1,823 extensions, in theory, although if I was going to be realistic the real number is about a quarter of that since at least three quarters of IAM has free accounts anyway)…

  MsAnal - Megasurvey Analysis Tool    Loaded 1,823 answer sets.  Loaded 12 pages of questions (282 questions with 2,967 reponses).  Please wait; parsing data..................  Found 483,630 answers and 30,456 prefer-not-to-answer responses.    0. Finish MsAnal  1. Show question results  2. Show question results, with limitation    Display question number (ie. 'Page-Question') --> 1-1  1,818 people answered that question (5 did not)    AGE    RESPONSE    NUM   %RAW%  WEIGHTED    0 - 10 - 0000 - 00.00% - 00.00%   11 - 12 - 0000 - 00.00% - 00.00%        13 - 0003 - 00.16% - 00.17% *        14 - 0004 - 00.22% - 00.22% *        15 - 0010 - 00.55% - 00.55% *        16 - 0053 - 02.91% - 02.92% ****        17 - 0087 - 04.77% - 04.79% *****        18 - 0177 - 09.71% - 09.74% **********        19 - 0200 - 10.97% - 11.00% ***********   20 - 21 - 0411 - 22.55% - 22.61% ***********************   22 - 24 - 0412 - 22.60% - 22.66% ***********************   25 - 30 - 0276 - 15.14% - 15.18% ****************   31 - 35 - 0100 - 05.49% - 05.50% ******   36 - 40 - 0048 - 02.63% - 02.64% ***   41 - 50 - 0027 - 01.48% - 01.49% **   51 - 60 - 0009 - 00.49% - 00.50% *   61 - 70 - 0000 - 00.00% - 00.00%   over 70 - 0001 - 00.05% - 00.06%  

Anyway, two items I wanted to mention. First is I think a very valid comment from Charley Reese about both the Constitutionality and the basic “common sense” of going to war (aka peacekeeping) in Liberia: Stay Out Of Liberia.

I also wanted to point out this story, Upping the ante for Kim Jong II, which discusses the strategy of how the US will engage North Korea without requiring Congressional or public support — basically by “legally” harassing North Korea until it's so desperate that it fires its missiles at either the US military or Japan. It's sort of like if you want to get in a fight with someone and you don't want to be charged, so you insult them until they hit you.

Doesn't seem like a good idea when you're dealing with a crazy country with a standing army of something like 6 million people… with nothing to lose, and potentially a small nuclear arsenal.