Black Sun

One of my favorite guilty pleasure sites is the slightly deranged but engrossing Black Sun site at Grey Falcon, which is an odd mix of Nazi occulitism, UFO conspiracies, and third reich science — I first got there while reading articles about things like the history of WWII German rocketry, transatlantic bombers (more), German and Japanese atomic bomb programs, and Wunderwaffen, as well as goofier stuff like Nazi moon bases, UFO stuff, and debates on the death/non-death of Hitler

Somewhere I also stumbled across discussion of concentration camp attrocities, and it was talking about failures in the chain of command and general disgust higher up in what was going on… The whole thing actually read as if it had an element of Abu Ghraib to it, where things just got totally out of control.



Some things were written “officially” on BME/ModBlog today that sort of bugged me… As you know, when I was forced to sell the site, one of the first things that happened is that all of the “history of BME” pages were edited not just to reflect that I was no longer with the site, but they actually completely removed or downplayed my historical role (as well as other staff that had fallen out of favor). I guess it’s not unheard of for a founder to be edited out of history documents, so that’s fine, but it does bother me when outright lies are told… Most recently;

Shannon didn’t post more than Roo and Roo didn’t post more than Jordan

Well, I posted a lot more content; anyone can look at the historical archives and see that. I aimed for 7-10 posts per day on ModBlog. The fact that BME’s traffic/popularity ranking has significantly dropped since I left, while other sites have continued to rise in popularity should show there’s a difference and that people can see it.

…meanwhile poor Phil has been behind the scenes picking the photos for what was originally Jordan’s pet project when he was interning for BME back in the “good ole days”. … PHIL picked out the images for Shannon to post.

Suggesting that ModBlog was somehow “Jordan’s pet project” is completely silly. Until this year under the new management, he rarely posted to the site… I think less than a dozen posts out of the thousands of posts that I made? ModBlog had been running for years on my personal blog (long before Jordan was an intern), mixed in with my personal content, and the shift to a dedicated name was an obvious evolution so as to have the content available to people who didn’t want to read my politics posts, and so as to better promote the site… It just seems so ridiculous to suggest that I was just some puppet under Jordan’s control.

As to Phil picking the images, that’s also totally false, and a lie that I hear way too often. Part of his job was filing interesting submissions into a “potential” folder. I did a second scan of the submission queue to fill it out and catch what was missed. Then from that queue, I selected what was posted and wrote the attached text. His role was to save me some time, but in no way was he responsible for any of the content.

Bodytwo was something that was started to try and redirect traffic away from BME.

Bodytwo was started because I love writing about body modification. When I was locked out of BME, I needed another place to write. Simple as that. If I thought I could write about it now without getting sued, I’d still be writing about it. But unfortunately I don’t have a series of rich boyfriends that I’ve convinced to finance my personal vendettas, so c’est la vie.

Anyway… taking my name out of the history of the site is one thing, but writing a completely false history where others are given credit for my work is BS.

For those who are EASY

Nefarious has been super-good and earned watching the “My Little Pony” movie (a blast from the past), so I had a moment to fiddle with shirts before supper and reading… As you know I play Rock Band on EXPERT and have the shirt that matches (surprisingly or not, it’s a big seller for me), but Caitlin thought I should stop being so elitist and suggested I make a shirt for those who enjoy playing the game but have nothing to prove… so here’s a Rock Band on EASY shirt… Hahahaha…

I love Zazzle


Sleds and Blogs

Yes, another day of sledding. We went with a friend of hers who I think has never been sledding before (she moved here from Zimbabwe) and they had tons of fun (and since we used the smaller hill, it was less work for me). They especially liked riding my giant inflatable sled and having me twirl it for a crazy spinning-teacup ride down the slope.

For supper I grilled a whole bunch of baby red, orange, and yellow peppers, along with some cherry tomatoes and green onion in garlic couscous… I served this alongside sole fried in a lime and pomegranate sauce. Quite delicious! Today was one of the few weeknights that Caitlin doesn’t work late so I had the pleasure of cooking for her as well. I really want to get started on my cooking blog. Maybe that will be one of my missions for this weekend.


Speaking of blogs (and those of you who are friends of mine on — I’m “zentastic” there — already know this), I’m starting a new blog on chronic pain and all things pain… It’s got a great name that I’m glad wasn’t taken… Blog of Pain! One of the first things I want to write about there is self-cutting and other self-induced pain as a means of “treating” not emotional pain, but physical pain. That is, creating a manageable artificial pain to “distract” from an unmanageable chronic pain.

Fort Building and Sledding

Even though I’m not at the gym right now, I figure I’m still getting plenty of exercise. We had a nice snow today, and since it’s also quite warm (truly glorious weather that brings me such joy) we went to the park and built a large snow fort in the wet easy to roll snow. The fort was quite a bit bigger at it’s largest than any of the pictures show, and as the project progressed, more and more kids joined in both for the building and snowball-fight interludes. It’s a decent amount of work rolling all those snowballs and carrying them across the park to stack!

Afterwards she destroyed it, although due to the warmth it wasn’t really standing up so well anyway. I can’t imagine what a nightmare lump of ice it will be if the temperature drops tonight. Then up and down the hill over and over until it was very late… My legs were so sore by the end of it (to say nothing of a few tumbles), but it was beyond fun. Then Nefarious got to frolic in a hot bath while I cooked yet another hearty meal of spaghetti with a fresh tomato and veggie sauce. Another wonderful day.

I re-skinned my kit car blog today as well with a bit more traditional “blog” theme. It’s not so much an improvement as something that fixes the glitches that were making the blog not render right in some versions of IE (and even in Firefox at times), and since that site’s making me real money these days, I figure I should worry about usability.