Fort Building and Sledding

Even though I’m not at the gym right now, I figure I’m still getting plenty of exercise. We had a nice snow today, and since it’s also quite warm (truly glorious weather that brings me such joy) we went to the park and built a large snow fort in the wet easy to roll snow. The fort was quite a bit bigger at it’s largest than any of the pictures show, and as the project progressed, more and more kids joined in both for the building and snowball-fight interludes. It’s a decent amount of work rolling all those snowballs and carrying them across the park to stack!

Afterwards she destroyed it, although due to the warmth it wasn’t really standing up so well anyway. I can’t imagine what a nightmare lump of ice it will be if the temperature drops tonight. Then up and down the hill over and over until it was very late… My legs were so sore by the end of it (to say nothing of a few tumbles), but it was beyond fun. Then Nefarious got to frolic in a hot bath while I cooked yet another hearty meal of spaghetti with a fresh tomato and veggie sauce. Another wonderful day.

I re-skinned my kit car blog today as well with a bit more traditional “blog” theme. It’s not so much an improvement as something that fixes the glitches that were making the blog not render right in some versions of IE (and even in Firefox at times), and since that site’s making me real money these days, I figure I should worry about usability.

One Comment

  1. wlfdrgn wrote:

    One winter when I was a kid, my brother and I made an igloo. Well, I guess it was probably more like a hybrid igloo/snow cave, since we started by digging out a plowed snow bank, then added probably half the snow from the back yard on top of it, more or less in blocks. Then it got warm, then cold, then warm, then cold… The thing froze so hard it lasted weeks after all the other snow was gone.

    Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 8:48 pm | Permalink
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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