Check out this email I just got. I don't know if it's some kooky new kind of spam or if it's really directed at me. In either case it's rather strange!
To Whom It May Concern:It has come to our attention that your site is advertising and providing a link to ****** for a free sample from Tampax. We kindly request that you remove this link promptly and, in the future, please ask for our permission to feature a link to our site for a free sample.
Our concern is that your site attracts consumers that are not in our target market for this particular sample. This prevents us from achieving the objectives of our sampling initiative and means that we are ineffectively using our marketing dollars.
Indeed the law in this area indicates that this practice of so-called "deep linking" to a website without the website owner's consent is an infringement of the website owner's IP rights and causes economic damage. Clearly this is a practice which undermines the commercial viability of our website and which we cannot allow to continue.
Therefore, we would appreciate you removing the link to ****** from your website as soon as practicable. Thank you in advance for being sensitive to our business needs.
Sincerely Yours,
Michelle Robbins
FemCare Interactive Assistant Brand Manager
The Procter & Gamble Company
6110 Center Hill Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45224
The email came from I can only assume it's a reference to someone's IAM page, because I'm not really much for linking to tampon sites. But, if you're the tampon lover that caused this email, feel free to contact Michelle I guess.