This inanimate carbon rod!

My trackball was all gummed up after pouring multiple drinks on it, so I had to disassemble and clean it. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the person who gave me this tool! I'm extremely sorry but my wretched memory doesn't tell me who you are. But thank you!

Toe socks: A birthday present from my sister (she's who's in the land video with Rachel). There's even a full-on rainbow pair.

My sister also gave me these Simpsons boxer shorts. They are very comfortable!

AND she even baked cookies for me! Wheee!

Of course, if you're not into cookies, there's always cuttlefish (those were a present from Rachel).

My mother gave me some jars (among other things) filled with home-made treats.

(On the left) I got some fire extinguishers from my brother — they're intended to go in my Corvette… Probably a good thing, considering it's the kind of car that tends to burst into flames. (Oh, wait, that's all my cars).
(On the right) He also gave me some of his old shirts — it's a long story as to why, but I'm glad to have them. I think I'm a fairly impressive guy as far as the things I've done and am capable of, but my brother faaaaarrr outshines me — I'm incredibly proud of him. This is a shirt from the 1RCR ironman team — he won the military ironman, and the team he trained ranked better than any other. The military ironman is a 33 km run followed by a 5 km portage and 9 km canoe paddle, and then another 5 km run, all in full gear of course. Until he got tied up in his current job which consumes all of his time he was becoming sort of a sports celebrity — he is the world armwrestling champion in the 220lb category and even competed in this year's Arnold Classic.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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