Wednesday, November 14, 2001
So the CD went to press yesterday. 1000 copies should be in my hands on November 29th or something like that, and they'll be in BMEshop just in time for Christmas. They'll be priced somewhere between $9.99 and $14.99 and 500 will be available to the public (the rest go to the artists and to radio stations).
Many of you emailed me about various errors — the typographical and grammar/spelling errors have been fixed, and Phil's missing photo credit was added.
I have two quickie links:
I just got this instant message, and just got a second similar one:
>hey shannon :) i just heard on CFNY you'll be on the morning
>show tomorrow, or least they're trying to get you on hehe.
>that should be interesting
Now, I think most of you know I have a “medical condition where I am unable to form new memories” (not quite that extreme), so it's quite possible I do have some appearance I was supposed to do, but I'm almost entirely sure I don't know anything about this.
Tuesday, November 13, 2001
I'm working on other things today — among other stuff, the CD is now with the manufacturer… So anyway, I'm just going to pass a few quick links that I think are worth checking out:
Now I've got to go to court. Don't ask.
Monday, November 12, 2001
Monday, November 12, 2001
Some bad news that today may well be good news… Right now I'm watching the footage of the jet's engine on TV and the side of the engine is blown out. To me this suggests that this crash could be as simple as a bird got sucked into the engine, one of the turbofans blew out, and it took out the plane's hydraulics. Without those, the plane is uncontrollable and would have to crash — it couldn't even glide. It's very unlikely, but it could happen.
It's all theory at this point, but so far it's looking like this was totally unrelated to terrorism… Let's hope the evidence continues to support that. I know the FBI is saying that there was an explosion on board, and that the Pentagon says they scrambled jets at the plane because they knew there was a problem, but all of these things would have been the case if it was Bin Pelican behind this.
And now some good news. I just got back from approving the Rosco Kids Club shirts… It took a bit of back and forth on the screens and colors, but it looks GREAT now:

Monday, November 12, 2001
This sucks, another plane crashes in NY.
Let's hope this is a coincidence.
First of all, the puppy is snoring away obliviously on the couch next to me. She's all put back together and there's just a half inch gash and a stitch betraying her adventure.
I just got a copy of my edited scarification article back. I was worried that they would edit technical errors into it, but it looks good, and they even left in the phrase “a single mountable icon of physical misery begetting beauty”… I'll post when it's actually published.
Today my plan is to make some changes to the experience engine, both to make it more functional, and to discourage people who are basically just fake voting (yes, I know who you are). These will include an area for commentary that gets passed to the writer (so if you reject an experience, you can tell them what to do to fix it), as well as a timer (so if you try to vote a couple seconds after reading — ahem — skimming the experience, it won't let you).
Until then: