
This sucks, another plane crashes in NY.
Let's hope this is a coincidence.

First of all, the puppy is snoring away obliviously on the couch next to me. She's all put back together and there's just a half inch gash and a stitch betraying her adventure.

I just got a copy of my edited scarification article back. I was worried that they would edit technical errors into it, but it looks good, and they even left in the phrase “a single mountable icon of physical misery begetting beauty”… I'll post when it's actually published.

Today my plan is to make some changes to the experience engine, both to make it more functional, and to discourage people who are basically just fake voting (yes, I know who you are). These will include an area for commentary that gets passed to the writer (so if you reject an experience, you can tell them what to do to fix it), as well as a timer (so if you try to vote a couple seconds after reading — ahem — skimming the experience, it won't let you).

Until then:

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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