
In about an hour I have to hand over a cheque for over $20,000 to cover the remainder of the printing bill for the ModCon book. Sales are going well though, so I'm not worried about breaking even. Now I have to raise around $8000 to publish the second book…

I've been writing a manifesto… It's mostly just for myself, to help me think through why I do the things I do. It actually started as a “modified manifesto” but it moved away from that… Anyway, I was thinking — as I often do — about what a person's responsibilities are in life, a question akin to “what is the meaning of life?”

On the subject of responsibility

A living human's first responsibility is to themselves, to sustain the essentials of life. Their second responsibility is to ensure the health and continuity of life on this planet. All other responsibilities are illusionary lies.

Sustaining the essentials of one's own life means the pursuit of nourishment (food and drink), shelter, and Love (family and friends). Pursuing these things is a right, and achieving them is permitted by any means necessary as long as no harm is done to other living people.

Ensuring the health and continuity of life on this planet is achieved by working to ensure that those around us are able to also sustain the essentials of their own life. This is done by helping them to reach their goals, and together building an environment where it is possible for all people to live in freedom and liberty, not by selling them their lives, or forcing our lives upon them.

These are simple ideas with simple solutions, resulting in a beautiful truth.

On the subject of the cost of life

Sustaining life is not expensive — we need only food and shelter, and both of these things cost no more than a small amount of our time if we are willing to build them for ourselves. The notion that we are required to purchase them at a huge markup from a pyramid of faceless corporations is a symptom of humans becoming food for finance. It is the feeding of life to sustain non-life, and is the greatest evil the world knows.

One of the greatest challenges in the modern world is extracting oneself from this hideous cycle. The climb out of its abyss can be terrifying, but the path is safe and the rewards are boundless.

Functional arguments against leading the modified life hinge around the notion that money has value. Money can not be eaten. Money can not shelter you from the cold. Yes, money can to some extent be traded for these things, but only at such a staggering loss to make the purchase ludicrous on any objective level.

We the modified, as people who strive to see truth and speak truth, pledge to never confuse quality of life with a number on a piece of paper.

I'm just a kid without the experience needed to write any of that. It seems true to me, and I hope it continues to as I grow older and hopefully wiser. Well, now I've got to help my sister with some entries to a photography contest (I'm printing her photos on my printer). I bought some paper at Staples for it, here is the exchange:

Her: “Did you find everything you need, sir?”
Me: “Yeah.”
Her: “Business or pleasure, sir?”
Me: “Business.”
Her: “How many people in your business, sir?”
Me: “About fifteen thousand.”
Her: “I'm sorry, sir, the computer won't let me enter that many people. Do you mind if I put one thousand five hundred instead?”
Me: “Whatever.”

How was that even relevant? I hate these “scripts” they force tellers through, with all the “did you find everything you want” and “would you like to buy a butt plug, we have them on special for $5.99″ annoyances. I'm not an idiot. I understand that it is my job to find the things I need, take them to the check-out, pay for them, and leave. I don't need special help on it!

Well then

Maybe I should take it all back, considering that God has showed himself to dislike Afghanistan as well. Anyway, I think I've patched the holes in the gallery and picture custom layout (I am pretty sure they were done yesterday, and I just accidentally uploaded the wrong version)…


Unless I'm missing something, didn't this turn out real bad the last time?


I just had an awesome supper at a little place called Shanghai Cowgirl just around the corner. I'd eaten there once before with Ryan but just had a fiarly non-descript omlette. This time I had the Trailer Trash Sushi (chicken breast, wasabi mayo, and watercress on a great soft bun) along with some blackened potatoe (who am I, Dan Quayle?) salad (baked potatoes with what tasted like peanut butter on them, actually really good). The side salad had a super dressing as well. Anyway, point is, I recommend the place… If you're in downtown Toronto, they're roughly across the street from Stainless Studios.

Mail run

I just got back from Dragon City picking up my mail:

Check out the cool Team BME clock that I just got from dragontat… which reminds me, I should turn on my @teambme email server for those of you who are on the team… FAKIR'S NEW BOOK!!! First of all, the presentation is gorgeous — it's a heavy leatherish book with nice foil stamped printing. The inside actually reminds me a lot of the first ModCon book — all black pages with just photos (other than the intro text). Those of you who have all the issues of Body Play will recognize many of the photos, but there are tons of ones I've never seen before, including some amazing photos of Fakir as a young man. I was a little disappointed because I had it in my head that it was a biography (that is still on its way I guess), but this is definitely a wonderful photo book. You can order the book at amazon.

This is the first of the two cheapo eBay medical books that I got today — Lasers in Aesthetic Surgery. It contains overviews of all the lasers on the market, and covers many of the surgeries they're used in. In this book, that means mostly blemish removal of various kinds. This is the second cheapo eBay book I got today (I think I paid $5 for it or something), and it's GREAT: Fundamentals of Maxillofacial Surgery. It's got very thorough (and very easy to understand) charts of blood vessels, nerves, etc… I may adapt some of the diagrams for BME/Risks… Also included in the clock package were some cookies perfect for eating by Rachel.