Entry number 1607

I find it harder every day to keep living in this society, it sickens me so much. I believe these illnesses that plague me are simply the death I live amidst seeping into my body. I have friends who believe that through protest and social activism, change can be made, but I really don't think so. The system is built on a poor foundation that is fundamentally flawed, and no social change will ever fix that. We need to either overthrow and recreate this system, or simply move away into land the system doesn't care about and build our dreams for ourselves.

One of America's greatest — and least recognized — heros, Scott Nearing, wrote not long before his death, “We live in a society of butchers and murderers. We butcher fellow creatures for food and sport, and murder fellow human beinds for pelf and for power.”

Sadly that is true in that it is where and how we live, but it doesn't have to be true. Civilization is built from grass, sun, and water (Pablo Lugari, another one of my heros, said “civilization has been a permanent dialogue between human beings and water”). It's not built with the blood of soldiers and guerilla rebels, be they government sponsored or be they suicide bombers. It's not built by companies, and it's not built by machines. Another person that I strongly agree with is Gonzalo Bernal, who when faced with the decision of moving to the Gaviotas settlement in the harsh plains of Columbia or joining la guerrilla, pointed out “the idea of creating a peaceful society through armed conflict seemed doomed by its own contradiction.”

I've said it here before, but all live needs to be healthy, happy, and full of beauty is food, shelter, and Love. All of these things are free. Ask yourself — is live hard? How many times does your heart need to beat for someone else's evil as you slave at a job that destroys the soul of the universe? Why are you willing to do it?

I ate a nice dinner the other day at a fancy restaurant full of ghosts — these empty soulless carcasses dragging their wallets around. The meal cost over $180, and it made me ask myself:

What is an apple?

An apple is intended to be eaten. Trees “want” you to eat the whole apple, walk around for a while, and then deposit the seeds in a nice growth-inducing pile of feces. There's no death when consumption and rebirth are a combined process. On top of that, nature has spent millions of years creating perfect food (if apples are intended to be eaten, then they evolved to perfect food), but what do we do with apples 99% of the time? We grind them up, poorly extract their component chemicals, and rebuild a simulacrum that pales when confronted with the original whole.

For all their brains, humans are pretty stupid most of the time…


OK, I'm going to go for a walk and have a nice bowl of soup. Considering I can have a great meal in Chinatown for under five dollars, I don't know why I don't do this every day. I'm mostly motivated by hunger though, I admit. I think I must be going through some sort of metabolic shift; without any changes in my diet, I've lost about 20 pounds this year, but have to eat a lot more — I have been sooooo hungry lately!

Anyway, some of you may have seen the self-heating coffee cans on Derek's page. He was kind enough to bring me one, so I drank it, but, more importantly, dismantled it as well. Probably not the brightest thing for me to do — I admit while it was heating, there was a loud POP and I thought I was about to get my hand blown off by it. Anyway:

The top of the can.

The bottom of the can.

Welcome to the self-heating can!

Looks pretty normal from here.

There's a layer of cardboard under the label.

Some of this stuff dripped on me.

Ah, it was just insulation.

Baking soda and vinegar?

Split clit

All of you have probably seen subincisions and various forms of male genital splitting. Many of you have seen female mods like hood splitting, but hood splitting isn't really the same thing — it's more like a dorsal flap circumcision (I think that's the term anyway).

Today I got photos of a clitoral splitting (started from a vertical clit piercing). It's a very rare mod, so I wanted to share a picture of it here… A much higher quality photo will be posted on BME later today in the female genital surgery section:

(And before anyone asks, I haven't had a chance to talk to them yet about the functional effects — I'll try and do an interview soon, the couple that sent the photos are into some very interesting play.)


I've seen a few of you posting the ad/note that I've included here on the right on your page, regarding the defense of Steve and Alva. I am helping support their legal costs, but I object to that ad, and I really felt that something had to be said about what I feel is deceptive fundraising. As I said, I am supporting the defense financially, and I hope others will as well, but if you're going to, it has to be for the right reasons and with knowledge of what you're supporting.

This note pretty much flat out says that the charges were related to piercing — the shop is referred to as a “piercing only” shop and it is implied that piercing is what they were charged for. This is not the case — as far as I know, none of the current charges are related to piercing. Not a single one. As I understand it they have been charged practising medicine without a license after allegedly cutting off a young woman's labia in the studio. There may also be other charges along the same lines, but you get the picture.

I feel it is extremely immoral to raise funds for a defense when misleading the public as to what the charges are about. It is my hope that this being done by a well-intentioned but misguided third party, and that Steve and Alva are not in support of this strategy. (What I'm saying is I'm very happy someone has taken the initiative to help their defense, but I hope people will consider the ethics behind misleading people who want to help you.)

Not that it's relevant, but personally I think they had a serious lapse of judgement, assuming that the charges are valid, and I hope they will not do these things again even if they are cleared of all charges. My personal feeling is that procedures outside of scarification, tattooing, piercing, and minor beading should under no circumstances be offered to the general public unless the practitioner has appropriate medical training. I do think people have a right to do it on themselves and on their close friends, but not on the public.

That said, I wanted to make clear why I support this defense, and why I hope others will as well:

  1. Because a guilty verdict in this case has the potential to set precedents that could hurt us all. I'm all for keeping heavy mods out of studios, but at the same time, I hope that any verdicts do not encroach on people's rights to control over their bodies.
  2. Because threatening them with five years imprisonment is extreme. It seems vindictive and, unless I've been misled on the facts of the case, it really seems like an “out to get 'em” act by the prosecution.
  3. Because I don't believe that a definition of “what is a surgical procedure” has been adequately given to piercers or the public. Given that a number of people have been able to very publicly showing off their “extreme mods” on mainstream television without charges, I can see how a piercer might assume that they're legal.
  4. Because I believe that these two — both Reverends — were specifically targetted for their CoBM involvement, which obviously the government has no right to even take into consideration. Personally, I don't believe that the religious defense (or the religion) is valid, but that does not justify the prosecution's actions.

I know a lot of people are throwing around the “but it's my religion” defense. Let me point out that African and Middle-Eastern cultures have had no luck winning the legal right to cut off their children's bits (or even to continue with multi-thousand-year-old facial scarification traditions), and they have enormous cultural history to back it up. Let me point out that Rastafarians have had no luck winning the right to use marijuana, which clearly has tens of thousands of years of religious use all over the planet. Finally, let me point out that it was only about a month ago that the Supreme Court ruled that tattooing was NOT protected by the first ammendment. Finally, in the abscense of any historical precedent, let me point out that to raise this defense one would have to explain why the religion demanded that the person cut off their labia. Valid or not, there is no way that US courts will accept a religious defense. It may be a noble defense, but the sad truth is that without a huge pile of money, it's not a winning defense.

Anyway, to get back to the point. I think from this post you should have a better understanding of both what the charges are and what some of the issues are. If you want to contribute to a defense after this information, you should drop a line to either Steve or Alva. Please realize of course that if you ask them questions about the case they're not going to be able to answer them for reasons that should be obvious. I'm sure that any help — no matter how small — will be greatly appreciated. Finally, if you live in the Jacksonville area, and are friends with other studios in town, let me suggest that now might be a good time to forget old business disputes and act in solidarity.

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QOD v3.0, share your kung fu

I'm currently writing the new version of QOD (version 3.0). It's the last element of the “live” part of BME that is still using file formats that can't scale easily. Anyway, if anyone wants to write a Windows/Mac/Linux client for it (so people can download the QOD database and then browse it themselves), I'd be glad to provide the specs for the file formats.

Something like this wouldn't be difficult. If people find it useful, maybe we could even throw together a downloadable version of the glossary and the other systems. I'd be glad to write things that let you download database updates and all that…


As soon as I have a spare moment I intend to start teaching myself Chinese. As I mentioned before, I really feel like I'm missing out reading translations — there is so much both about the way the language is written and spoken that can not be translated. I already speak a handful of languages (not that well, but well enough to have some insight into them), and I know, for example, that even with my limited understanding of Hebrew, I really appreciate reading things in their source language.

Anyway, maybe I'm just concerned that I'm not understanding my new favorite movie, Shaolin Soccer… Seriously, if you haven't already picked this up, I can not recommend it highly enough. Here are some shots from the start of the movie. It gets far wilder as it progresses:

Finally, a number of people have sent me links to yet another piercing record attempt. Let me make something very clear: The world record for most number of piercings in one day is 6,000. 420 is very impressive (and a great number to choose) and my hat's off to Nathan for that, but it's not a world record.

I'm getting so sick of this. Maybe at the May 20th BBQ we should shatter that “record”. Does anyone think they can handle at least a few thousand needles?