
Next time I see some really cool clouds I'm going to try and make a point of filming them. I wrote a nice PhotoShop filter (it's really simple, just an unsharp mask, a sharpen mask, a hue change, a difference undo, and then another hue change) that I think does a nice job on clouds (which I wanted to use time-lapse style in the new BME FILMS intro for the DVDs that are produced inhouse).

By the way, I think that Al Gore did an excellent job on SNL last night; he's definitely the most relaxed and comedically aware politician that I've seen on TV (a surprise to many I'm sure, but the reviews are so far universally positive). I was thinking though — how freaky must this make the US political system seem to people from other parts of the world? It's kind of weird when you think about it in light of what the purpose of government is.

But everything's weird when you look at it's root truths and meanings; look at money. What is it? What does it really mean? Rewind farther and ask “what has value”. It all comes from natural resources and the ability to exploit them. Land, food, oil, power (even solar power comes from the sun), and so on. Yes, labor has value too, but ultimately it's all just traded for the products of the earth and the sun.

Let's look at three technologies that will become available over the next hundred years:

  • Small cold-fusion/zero-point/etc. power generation. That is, a small box in your closet that can generate reasonably unlimited amounts of power for essentially zero cost. So energy is free.
  • Small automated manufacturing devices. That is, a small box in your closet, that given a certain amount of raw materials can build you anything you ask it to. So all products are free.
  • Small automated recycling devices. That is, a small box in your closet that breaks apart anything you give it into its component raw materials (which could then be fed back into the second device).

The world will get very weird then — and don't think the current powerpeople don't know all of this. They know that when this occurs, money won't keep them in power in the same way, so they'll need to exercise control more directly. Which is why the US — clearly the world's leader in pushing blindly toward the future — administration seeks to put into place civilian control mechanisms via the Homeland Security bill and so on.

You'd think those three devices would put an end to greed… But greed isn't just about having more than your neighbor. It's also about your neighbor having less than you. Which means that if everything is effectively “free”, the only solution for those who want power is to take things away from others.

Blue skies to the east

No big news update this morning; I have to write this week's (with a “BME week” being about 11 or 12 days long) article, and prep the news-reel software for 2003. But first, it's meeeee! I'm always a bit nervous doing telephone interviews because you never quite know how you're going to be quoted, but I think the paper did a good job with this article.

Although if the snow gets heavier, maybe the satellite will cut out and I can just take it easy instead… Yeah, I'm back to a world with “snow days” even though I'm a home-office guy.

Other than that, I see the US is going to try and buy loyalty in Iraq. After all, remember how well it worked in Afghanistan, when a bunch of drug warlords tricked the West into bombing their competition, and we did little but kill the wrong people and let the terrorists escape…

You probably know about the “Predator” drone plane that the CIA recently used (along with a “Hellfire” missile) to carry out assassinations. Anyway, while “they have no plans to arm them”, the US is planning on deploying these drones domestically, up and down the east coast. Hello sci-fi police state! Do you really want to live in a world where sentinel robots patrol the country seeking out “potential threats” to American corporations?

I really wonder sometimes — what are the warmongers trying to achieve? What are they trying to protect? The actions don't make sense. Maybe I'm a simpleton and I'm not seeing the big picture, maybe I'm a part of post-Vietnam utopian pacifism, but I really believe the answers are simple. Be nice to your neighbours. Don't go where you're not welcome. Help when asked, but not until. Offer sanctuary when you can. And so on.

Al Gore will be on SNL tonight.

At least three fine folk are fiddling with the CSS (thank you!). I'll have more “jobs” soon as well, thank you to those who are helping, I definitely need it and appreciate it.

As for the War on Terror, we have to fight it. As for the war on Iraq, why is this our war? Saddam Hussein has not attacked us, he does not threaten us, he is desperately trying to avoid war with us. He is going to be dethroned and killed and his country is going to be smashed and defeated if he can't avoid war. But why do we want this war? The Turks do not fear Saddam, nor do the Saudis, nor do the Iranians, nor do the Syrians. As for the Israelis, they have the power to destroy him ten times over. Let them deal with him.
- Pat Buchanan

Why is it that I find I agree with almost (with an empasis on the “not everything” part of “almost”) Pat Buchanan says? Seriously, if he wasn't a misguided Christian (it's tainting some of his world view, and it seeds his racism) he'd be my idol across-the-board.

I sure enjoyed watching him kick neo-con ass in this interview. The answer above was in response to “where does anti-war sentiment come from” — the other fools replied with hollow lies like “sympathy for terrorists” and “hatred of America”.

Even if one disagrees with every conclusion he comes to, his core analysis of events, history, and demographic numbers are dead on and should be listened to. Obviously we choose different strategies, but the core conclusions should be roughly the same.

Terrorism is the price of empire. The Irgun used terror to drive the Brits out of Palestine, the Algerians used it to drive the French out of Algeria, Hezbollah used terror to drive Israelis out of Lebanon. Chechens are using terror to drive out the Russians out of Chechnya. When imperialists go home where they belong, they find that the terrorism diminishes in almost every case, and in many it disappears.
- Pat Buchanan

It's funny watching the other people in the interview make asses of themselves and accuse Buchanan of ignorance when they themselves are pretty much entirely constructed of it.

Who needs visibility?

As Monster Magnet always told me,

Ain't gonna stand in the rocket's shadow
My mama's waiting for me on the moon
My dick just got a million times bigger
I'll be pumping Andromeda soon

In all seriousness, WOW. The power difference before and after the blower is staggering. I love it. I think it looks awful, but DAMN is it fun to drive. So much power… Honestly, driving this car is a full-on sexual turn on (thank you giant vibrating engine).

I can't see most of the road in front of me — I can see oncoming traffic, but very little to the right of that. Oh well, a good thing about small towns is you get to know the roads so well you can drive them blind.

Good then bad…

Woo-hoo — I've been sick and feeling down all day and suddenly my Vette arrives on a flatbed. There's still a ton to do (it's blown now, but just has a cheap “sled” cowl, and needs lots of visuals as well as new tires, suspension work, etc.), but it's good to have my car back.

I just finished writing this entry and a bunch of C**M shit gets thrown at me again. Well, at least I was in a good mood for fifteen minutes. Seriously, in my entire life I don't think I've had to deal with anything as personally painful as that, and I wish people would just drop it with me. I do my best to keep my mouth shut on the subject to be nice, but if it keeps getting pushed at me, that policy will end.

How long do I have to keep putting up with this shit before I can ethically say “if you choose to keep supporting that group you are not welcome on IAM”? No one would blink if I didn't allow KKK members on the site, even if they behaved here.

But no, even though this site was set up for friends of BME, now it's grown larger and I'm expected to pay to support the “enemies” of BME as well. Even though donations are basically zero at this point, I'm expected to have to pay the bills out of my own pocket and spend every waking moment slaving to make it better, but if I do even the slightest thing that makes it even seem like I'm exercising personal bias in management of the site, I get piles of hatred heaped on me by a bunch of self-important assholes who get off on other people's misery.

It really hurts.

A friend said to me the other day, “remember, every 'customer' you don't hear from is a happy customer,” and I do understand that, but it doesn't make it any easier that the vast majority of contact I have with the online world is complaints and attacks. I think there was a movie that asked what would happen to angels psychologically — after all, they are creatures of love, but have nothing but abuse thrown at them for thousands of years.

We all know what happens when a loving dog gets beaten for a few years.

Sometimes it makes me wish I just worked at McDonalds.