Al Gore will be on SNL tonight.

At least three fine folk are fiddling with the CSS (thank you!). I'll have more “jobs” soon as well, thank you to those who are helping, I definitely need it and appreciate it.

As for the War on Terror, we have to fight it. As for the war on Iraq, why is this our war? Saddam Hussein has not attacked us, he does not threaten us, he is desperately trying to avoid war with us. He is going to be dethroned and killed and his country is going to be smashed and defeated if he can't avoid war. But why do we want this war? The Turks do not fear Saddam, nor do the Saudis, nor do the Iranians, nor do the Syrians. As for the Israelis, they have the power to destroy him ten times over. Let them deal with him.
- Pat Buchanan

Why is it that I find I agree with almost (with an empasis on the “not everything” part of “almost”) Pat Buchanan says? Seriously, if he wasn't a misguided Christian (it's tainting some of his world view, and it seeds his racism) he'd be my idol across-the-board.

I sure enjoyed watching him kick neo-con ass in this interview. The answer above was in response to “where does anti-war sentiment come from” — the other fools replied with hollow lies like “sympathy for terrorists” and “hatred of America”.

Even if one disagrees with every conclusion he comes to, his core analysis of events, history, and demographic numbers are dead on and should be listened to. Obviously we choose different strategies, but the core conclusions should be roughly the same.

Terrorism is the price of empire. The Irgun used terror to drive the Brits out of Palestine, the Algerians used it to drive the French out of Algeria, Hezbollah used terror to drive Israelis out of Lebanon. Chechens are using terror to drive out the Russians out of Chechnya. When imperialists go home where they belong, they find that the terrorism diminishes in almost every case, and in many it disappears.
- Pat Buchanan

It's funny watching the other people in the interview make asses of themselves and accuse Buchanan of ignorance when they themselves are pretty much entirely constructed of it.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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