Who needs visibility?

As Monster Magnet always told me,

Ain't gonna stand in the rocket's shadow
My mama's waiting for me on the moon
My dick just got a million times bigger
I'll be pumping Andromeda soon

In all seriousness, WOW. The power difference before and after the blower is staggering. I love it. I think it looks awful, but DAMN is it fun to drive. So much power… Honestly, driving this car is a full-on sexual turn on (thank you giant vibrating engine).

I can't see most of the road in front of me — I can see oncoming traffic, but very little to the right of that. Oh well, a good thing about small towns is you get to know the roads so well you can drive them blind.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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