Had a dream last night that a nuke was set off at Pearson International Airport in Toronto… After the nuke, an obviously fake video claim released in partnership by Saddam and Osama was played over the media, taking full credit for the attack. This was then used by the US to drag Canada and the rest of the world into an apocalyptic world war.
Half way through this war it was revealed that the US had actually simply nuked Canada as a strategic move, but by the time the world figured it out, we were so deeply invested in war that there was no turning back, and the world was destroyed.
Some of you may have seen this comment on Phish's page, but I was wondering — how do the militant vegans on IAM feel about tattoos? After all, all tattoo ink has animal byproducts in it, so if you've got tattoos, you might as well be wearing leather… There's certainly a real irony to getting an animal rights tattoo using animal byproducts, isn't there.
That said, I don't think most people are even aware of this fact… I've been tossing around the idea of talking to some manufacturers and actually producing a line of fully vegan tattoo inks (assuming I'm not mistaken and someone else has already done so).
So Cheney recently spoke at a conservative luncheon, surrounded by vendors selling stickers like “No Muslims – No Terrorism“. I don't know about you, but if I was asked to talk surrounded by crap like that, I'd refuse. But, maybe it reveals some true colours.
This story is worth reading. A thorough debunking of the “Saddam gassed his own people” lie that we're told so often — not just because he didn't own the type of gas used in the attack (meaning it was either US or Iranian), but also because the Kurds simply got caught in the crossfire between Iran and Iraq — they were no more the enemy than the Canadian and other peacekeeping troops in Afghanistan that the drugged US pilots bombed.
The US is sending more troops to Korea, presumably in response to the heightened activity at the nuclear plant. Kaboom! Goodbye world, it was nice knowing you.
Remember, in 2004, if we're still alive, Vote Liberman:
A new kind of Democrat. The Republican kind.