Monday, September 17, 2007
I need the space in my garage and realistically I'm just not going to have time to deal with this any time soon, so I'm giving away my Laser 917 kit car project… Anyone with a trailer (or that wants to pay for flatbed towing I suppose) is welcome to it. It's definitely a project that could be tackled as a “first project” because the required fiberglass work is quite basic, and doing mechanical work on a VW Beetle chassis is easy. The car does not have a VIN so it will have to go through a homebuilt/kitcar registration to get on the road.
Any questions — or people volunteering — please contact me at TAKEN
Yes it's very dirty…
Speaking of free stuff, Ryan at BMEshop just put in an order for a new bunch of stickers — they get put in free with orders (the design on the left is by original_sly by the way).
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Since I've been working hard to get more interview content up lately, in the next few days I should be posting what I think is one of the best interviews I've put up in a long time, mostly focussed on scrotal suspension and nudism… I'm just finishing the final back-and-forth to make sure everything is perfect. Here's a teaser and a picture of the interviewee…
“The thing is that in normal life the brain is always busy with something, but when you suspend that is all gone. There is only one thing: the balls with the body hanging from it.“
“The most important thing of all is, I think, to feel your body. I think that many people do not 'feel' their body. For most it is just there, and they realize that they have a body when someone touches it for sex, but I experience and feel my body and skin all the time. Clothing messes it up, and that is why I do not want it. Prepare naked for whatever you do. The body must be free.”
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Nefarious is off at a birthday party and sleepover today at a friend's house… They have a truly beautiful house — maybe the nicest one I've ever seen in Toronto. It's an older house that previous owners have shifted to a partial open-concept setup and it's incredibly nicely done (and the current owners have a higher google profile than I do by far, which was neat!).
I don't think I slept over at a friend's house until I was at least five years older than she is… probably more! So I was thinking about all the things that are different now than when I was a kid… A partial list of things that Nefarious has grown up with that were not a part of my growing up:
- The internet (the biggest by far)
- Autonomous robot assistance (like Roombas)
- Recycling
- Cellphones and portable communications
- Mainstreaming of cosmetic surgery
- Tattoos and body modification
- Blending of adult and children's culture/entertainment
- Being an only child and that being fairly normal
Anyway… A night off… what should I do? Watch a movie and eat a bag of hickory sticks in my underwear or something? Sounds alright…
PS. Pauly, Josh, and I (with work by Howie and photos by Lane) are on
Digg for the BIZARRE feature).
Thursday, September 13, 2007
One of my policies at ModBlog is to not moderate first comments that are negative, because if the first thing a person does is come in with something hostile, I don't feel it's going to be productive. Because ModBlog is getting to be a quite popular and well-known blog, the number of people visiting it that don't care for the content grows all the time, so the number of comments I end up blocking grows with it.
I'd say that every day I get probably two or three really vicious comments — not “I don't like that” junk, but people threatening the site or the lives of the people who are posted, various degrees of ill-wishes, to say nothing of generic nasty insults and hate-mongering. It's sad, because for a long time I didn't get this kind of feedback so I assumed it was a thing of the past… But it was just that BME spent quite a while being insular, and now it's back in the public eye a bit more.
From: jody clevenger <>
really is there people who do this for FUN? Fuck shit that's the kind of thing that makes me happy we have the death penalty in Texas geezz y'all need to be put out of your suffering
Nonetheless, I'm prepping a few heavy mod interviews right now. I've been slow on getting the new book put together so I'm trying to get a nice interview posted once a week to get myself going. There are a couple mega-stresses in my life right now, but on the whole I'm feeling really good and quite productive, so I'd like to keep riding that wave as long as I can.
On that note, I've been drug-free (well, no smoking pot that is) now for almost two months and I really feel good about it after smoking daily for roughly five years. It's definitely hugely improved my mood and my head feels much clearer and sharper, although I admit that I do miss it some evenings because it did help a lot with pain control. But like I've said quite a few times before, I'd much rather have a clear head and be in pain than have a muddy mind and be pain free.
I made a fresh pesto pasta (fettuccine) with peppers, mushrooms, and a mix of scallops and shrimp (leftovers basically), and then grape tomatoes and green onion tossed in after cooking — someone teased me that everything I cooked looked “soft” so I thought I'd put some raw ingredients in today! It wasn't particularly exciting or inspired but it was still good.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Yesterday was Nefarious's school BBQ — it was nice seeing that parents from last year were quite happy to see she was back… And it's also good to know which kids are the troublemakers, since they were all running around like maniacs causing a variety of degrees of chaos.
Because I was really happy with how the framing turned out on my last painting, I decided to do some supplementary painting on other frames. It's definitely a trend I'll continue, because it means that with even with really basic 2×4-box type frames I can make something quite pretty. I have to clean off one of the sensors on my carving machine, but when I get a chance to put aside an hour to dismantle it and do that, my next frame should have some carving on it as well.
All three of those frames are I think 1.5″x3″ boards in a simple box, with a masonite backing glued together. On the outside two, the stretched canvas is floating (mounted on risers, with a small gap between the painting and the frame on all sides), and on the middle one, the painting is actually painted right on the masonite because Nefarious used it as a drawing pad when I realized it had been cut too small (so the painting and the frame are the same thing).
Work is progressing on The Blind Lizard quite nicely, which is also tentatively “sold” assuming it turns out nicely — people have been asking me a lot lately whether I would sell paintings or work on commission, and I've decided that it's time that I start to do that*. When I get a chance I'm going to set up a website that's a dedicated portfolio but I likely won't get around to it for a few weeks… Not sure yet whether I'm going to use zentastic or get a new domain to host it…
Anyway, off to make some pesto fettuccine!
I was asked if this included paintings that I do with Nefarious. These are not for sale. I might sell some when she's old enough to understand it and appreciate that she's building up savings, but I don't think it would be fair to exploit her by selling them at this point… That said, I am willing to do paintings based on your child's artwork on a commission basis!