Yesterday was Nefarious's school BBQ — it was nice seeing that parents from last year were quite happy to see she was back… And it's also good to know which kids are the troublemakers, since they were all running around like maniacs causing a variety of degrees of chaos.
Because I was really happy with how the framing turned out on my last painting, I decided to do some supplementary painting on other frames. It's definitely a trend I'll continue, because it means that with even with really basic 2×4-box type frames I can make something quite pretty. I have to clean off one of the sensors on my carving machine, but when I get a chance to put aside an hour to dismantle it and do that, my next frame should have some carving on it as well.
Work is progressing on The Blind Lizard quite nicely, which is also tentatively “sold” assuming it turns out nicely — people have been asking me a lot lately whether I would sell paintings or work on commission, and I've decided that it's time that I start to do that*. When I get a chance I'm going to set up a website that's a dedicated portfolio but I likely won't get around to it for a few weeks… Not sure yet whether I'm going to use zentastic or get a new domain to host it…
* I was asked if this included paintings that I do with Nefarious. These are not for sale. I might sell some when she's old enough to understand it and appreciate that she's building up savings, but I don't think it would be fair to exploit her by selling them at this point… That said, I am willing to do paintings based on your child's artwork on a commission basis!
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