Nefarious is off at a birthday party and sleepover today at a friend's house… They have a truly beautiful house — maybe the nicest one I've ever seen in Toronto. It's an older house that previous owners have shifted to a partial open-concept setup and it's incredibly nicely done (and the current owners have a higher google profile than I do by far, which was neat!).
I don't think I slept over at a friend's house until I was at least five years older than she is… probably more! So I was thinking about all the things that are different now than when I was a kid… A partial list of things that Nefarious has grown up with that were not a part of my growing up:
- The internet (the biggest by far)
- Autonomous robot assistance (like Roombas)
- Recycling
- Cellphones and portable communications
- Mainstreaming of cosmetic surgery
- Tattoos and body modification
- Blending of adult and children's culture/entertainment
- Being an only child and that being fairly normal
Anyway… A night off… what should I do? Watch a movie and eat a bag of hickory sticks in my underwear or something? Sounds alright…

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