One of my policies at ModBlog is to not moderate first comments that are negative, because if the first thing a person does is come in with something hostile, I don't feel it's going to be productive. Because ModBlog is getting to be a quite popular and well-known blog, the number of people visiting it that don't care for the content grows all the time, so the number of comments I end up blocking grows with it.
I'd say that every day I get probably two or three really vicious comments — not “I don't like that” junk, but people threatening the site or the lives of the people who are posted, various degrees of ill-wishes, to say nothing of generic nasty insults and hate-mongering. It's sad, because for a long time I didn't get this kind of feedback so I assumed it was a thing of the past… But it was just that BME spent quite a while being insular, and now it's back in the public eye a bit more.
From: jody clevenger <>
To: glider@zentastic.comreally is there people who do this for FUN? Fuck shit that's the kind of thing that makes me happy we have the death penalty in Texas geezz y'all need to be put out of your suffering
Nonetheless, I'm prepping a few heavy mod interviews right now. I've been slow on getting the new book put together so I'm trying to get a nice interview posted once a week to get myself going. There are a couple mega-stresses in my life right now, but on the whole I'm feeling really good and quite productive, so I'd like to keep riding that wave as long as I can.
On that note, I've been drug-free (well, no smoking pot that is) now for almost two months and I really feel good about it after smoking daily for roughly five years. It's definitely hugely improved my mood and my head feels much clearer and sharper, although I admit that I do miss it some evenings because it did help a lot with pain control. But like I've said quite a few times before, I'd much rather have a clear head and be in pain than have a muddy mind and be pain free.
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