Snowball Earth


Potty Humor

Nefarious thought that this sign — ‘closed for the day’ — which she placed on our bathroom door, was about the funniest thing ever, and laughed maniacally when I walked toward it.


Keepin’ On… The River Maze

I am amused that the rivers are like giant tubes lying on top of the greenery rather than in furrows carved into it. This is painting six of ten in the series, not counting the cover of the book… Since these are still undercoats, I’d say I’m about 35% done right now in total.

Five miles meandering with a mazy motion
Through wood and dale the sacred river ran



Driving across the city, putting up with the terrible drivers that can’t handle a little snow, really makes me wish I wasn’t here in a metropolis… I don’t know if I’d rather be traveling by snowmobile or by sailboat, but as much as I love my life and its many privileges, I wish I could leave the city. Hopefully my father — check out (and get involved — it’s a multi-user site) his project at — gets his sailboat out of US waters so Caitlin and Nefarious and I can go visit him for a while.

And yeah, I’ve had this happen to me — hit by the boom — but only in a little 16′ boat.

“Wailing for her demon lover”

I admit that I don’t really know where I’m going with this one… Tomorrow I’m going to stop by the art store to pick up five more panels to do the remainder of the pages on. I’m really liking having this many pieces on the go — it’s nice being able to just switch canvases when I feel “stalled” on the one I’ve been working on. If only I had more room!

There are fourteen new never-before-published interviews up at for the book… If you have the time, please check them out and help me get them polished and proofed for publication. More interviews will go up tomorrow as well. And of course feel free to purchase the previous interview book to support these various ventures!
