Legaleze: “Rupert Bear” is the property of Entertainment Rights Distribution Limited and Express Newspapers

Legaleze: “Rupert Bear” is the property of Entertainment Rights Distribution Limited and Express Newspapers
It's really simple — two screw off caps, one of which has been permanently replaced with a sheet of clear lexan, and the other that's been left alone. Both are epoxied onto matching PVC pipe, which has a small plate in it (made of the leftover lexan), and a rubber and expoxy sealed 1/4″ bolt to mount it. I'll glue on some sort of a handle still; probably a general mounting that can attach to something else.
I don't know what this picture is from but I think I need one.
Thanks to the asses outside my house blasting dance music I'm still awake, so I emailed a bunch of realestate agents about properties they're listing here in Ontario. It's actually quite amazing. You can get a somewhat scrubby piece of land in the 20-100 acre range with power and DSL connectivity in the $15,000 price range, and given that a yurt is only about that as well, I can conceivably own a “house” and land without ever going into debt, which is a real dream come true.
Now, it's not like I haven't talked about this before, so I was asked by an old friend, “what makes you think it'll work this time?” — a reasonable question!
If I do this, I'm going to go with a yurt because not only does it offer me a lot of future options but also because so far I'm hearing nothing but good reviews of them. Anyway, I guess if I bought a little lot like this the first thing I'd do is build a washroom and shower/bath building that would also act as my “utility” building that the power and internet connectivity would run to, and then drop a yurt next door (because I don't really want to do a yurt as a permanent installation).
The reason I mention this is that I'd like neighbors. Loneliness is hard. You'd have to have the cash to come up with something you could live in that would be tough enough to handle the winter (probably $3,000 to $6,000 minimum depending on what you need), but I wouldn't be looking for rent or anything like that. You'd have to be either legal in Canada or willing to live illegally (not my problem). If you want to take part in this message me (and feel free to include your phone number and realworld name if you're really serious). I feel like I've screwed around and wasted time and money far too long and need to stop dreaming and start doing.
A good life is out there!
First, thanks to everyone who's been sending me little stories about their yurt experiences! It's definitely helping convince me that this is a good idea.
This morning, after doing a little sculpting, Nefarious and I went to High Park and after playing for an hour or two we went for a walk up through the forest and saw tons of beautiful trilliums and caught a toad, which she got to hold and was quite pleased when it peed on me instead of her (no camera on that trip unfortunately). After lunch I thought I'd start a project that had recently been proposed to me — organizing my books by subject — which is entirely more work than I'd expected.
I've been cooking a lot more (so it's probably good that I now have my zillion cookbooks — almost all vegan incidentally — sorted out in one place). I'm kind of rusty because Jon did most of the cooking for the last year and a half, but it's fun doing it again. Supper was simple but given how quickly it was devoured, also quite successful I think.
Other than that, I either have incredibly annoying new neighbors or they have incredibly annoying guests for the long weekend. They've been spending every night until about 11 PM screaming their heads off on their balcony, and because of the holiday, fireworks go off within fifty feet of our house every fifteen minutes all night long, so neither Nefarious or I have gotten any sleep at all the last couple days, and definitely not tonight either. It seems sort of insane to be launching fireworks in the tiny back yards of a dense neighborhood, but given the hell I've raised with fireworks, I suppose I can't complain too much.
I can't wait to get out of the city.
Tomorrow I'm making an underwater video camera enclosure out of PVC for Jon and Clive to take on their fishing trip next week, and maybe I'll do some underwater test filming in Phil's pool or something (I'll post pictures of it; it's super simple). Hopefully it doesn't drown my sister's DV camera!