Did an interview with someone in Iowa this morning about tongue splitting… All the normal stuff, but then she told me about the piercer she's interviewing on the subject as well. I won't mention any names, but it really pisses me off.
Apparently this piercer told her — and I assume must be telling clients the same — that he is “trained” in tongue splitting and is “qualified” to do them. I told her, “Liar, liar, pants on fire!”
Fact: A tongue splitting isn't hard to do… if nothing goes wrong.
Fact: If something goes wrong, which does happen, there are many cases where medical training is required to handle that contingency.
Fact: Unless the piercer is also a doctor, they are not qualified to handle those contingencies.
Fact: Unless the procedure is being done in a medical facility, there may not be the equipment needed to handle those contingencies.
Fact: Not being able to handle those contingencies can result (and has) in serious injury, death, and/or the need to go for emergency medical treatment.
Do I feel people should have a right to go to a piercer or do it themselves? Absolutely… But it really makes me mad to hear about piercers that claim to be “qualified” or “trained” in such a procedure. I think it's awesome that they're doing it, and I think they provide an invaluable service to the community in doing so, but the fact is they are not qualified.

But, since doctors on the whole are still refusing to do the procedure, they are in many cases the best option. But they have to be honest about the procedure, the risks, and their qualifications. Lying about it is just going to come back and bite us all on the ass.
And every responsible body modification artist, including those doing tongue splittings, will tell their clients the above. Anyone that doesn't is one that in my opinion should be avoided. If they're willing to deceive you about your safety and their qualifications, do you really want to trust them with your life?