Did you know…

As of this writing, 65% of BME readers believe that George Bush meets the definition of “evil”. 74.9% of BME readers believe that Saddam Hussein meets the definition of evil. As such, when America wins this war, it will not, in the eyes of most BME readers be good triumphing over evil. It will be evil triumphing over evil — are we watching civil war in Hell?

Robert Woodward: “Do you ever feel compelled to explain your policies or decisions?”

President Bush: “Of course not. I'm the commander… see, I dont need to explain why I say things. Thats the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I dont feel like I owe anybody an explanation.”


Saddam Hussein: “Law consists of two lines above my signature.”

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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