Point of trivia: Did you know…

If you took the amount of money spent on just TV advertising for the 2002 midterm elections (not even the “full” elections, just the midterms), and instead spent it on education, you could give a free four year university education to 36,000 Americans. Alternately you could provide adult high-school equivilency educations to over a quarter of a million Americans.

Was it $900,000,000 well spent?

I guess it was — the Republicans bought themselves a landslide from the gullible cash-entranced public, and got the political ammunition that was needed to launch a pointless war that has only one clear goal: massive contracts for the US corporations that provided most of that $900 million in advertising money.

You got fooled. You got played.

Again: that was just the amount of money spent on TV ADVERTISING to trick you. It is a tiny fraction of the total money that will be siphoned off of the US economy, out of the pockets of the US taxpayer as the corporation reap the spoils of this bloodshed.

PS. worth a read, whatever your general political standing.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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