I was just flipping through some old pictures (what, is that all I do) — every time I/we get a new computer, a bunch of fresh pictures are taken of it… I realized, BME (and I mean just BME: I'm not including my other companies) has a ton of hardware. We've got seven servers in three locations. We've got two machines dedicated to video editing. We've got one machine dedicated to audio editing. Another one handles email only. We have at least two other desktops handling miscellaneous tasks. There are four laptops, and one palmtop.
Anyway, the list goes on, but below is one of the slicker machines… It's an Acer Travelmate 739TLV — 512 meg of RAM, 40 GIG of hard drives, PIII-850, S-video out, DVD drive, and, most of all a built-in fingerprint biometrics system. Whenever the machine is turned on, or specific filesystems are accessed, you have to confirm your identity via fingerprint. Before you plan on breaking in to my house (which contains only a few old PIII-500 desktops and the G4), this machine isn't located here. While BME may not officially have any staff, it does have a number of “shadow workers” who manage other tasks for me when I need them done… and that's where this beast is hiding.

Anyway, I know that a lot of places frown on Acer, but I've owned a number of their machines, and have always been very happy with them — plus they undercut the competition drastically in price. The machine above (not including accessories) came in at under $3000 when I bought it (and that's back then — it's probably less now).
…sighted on the back of a TTC bus.

First of all, if you missed it, I did an image update today. Just a “little one” so it's only about 600 new pictures. Also, for those of you that missed it, Shawn did an update on his site yesterday as well (which is DEFINITELY worth checking out — not that most of you aren't regular readers already). Oh, and to all you people sending wonderful photos to SPC, send me the occasional one too, ok ;).
So I think I'm doing the pornstar thing this weekend. Pornstar or 1970s swinger. Something like that. No kidding, I'm staying in the suite you see on the right. I'm told it has a seven foot whirlpool, a glass enclosed bedroom overlooking a steam room, a twenty-two foot pool, a waterfall, and lots more… I'm not really sure if it's decadent or sleazy, but I'm sure it'll be fun.
I ate somewhat healthier today… Salad and pasta. Yeah, it's not quite a breakfast of champions still, but it's better than tex-mex every day, right? Anyway, I think I'm going to go for a quick walk now — I'm told I'm in the new Bizarre magazine.

Oh, and if you didn't see it, lowphat is running a best pierced cack contest. (So all you people who've complained that his page is nothing but naked women can swallow your tongues).
…Well, I'm on The Big Show again today. I'm on at 3PM (about ten minutes after I write this). I think we're talking about the wilder stuff today, but I don't know. You can listen live via the link there, and later today I'll post a link straight to the interview itself when it gets archived.
UPDATE: The show went well, it was lively and fun I think… Talked mostly about circumcision. Anyway, I will post the direct link later tonight. Thanks to laurs and freakshow54 for sending in really nice emails to the show (which got read on the air!).
UPDATE #2: Here's the link to the show:
If it doesn't automatically fast forward for you, I'm on at 1:04:40 for about half an hour.