Swastika Sculpture

Andrew and Saira doing the Superfly show.

A poster I saw hanging in the student centre.

I can't sleep during the week, so I went for a drive and ended up at York University. I visited Saira who was doing her radio show with Andrew (who has a backpiece from my brief stint as a tattoo artist). Anyway, I'd been meaning to take a photo of it for a long time, but there's a huge swastika sculpture in the middle of campus. It always struck me as odd that it was there, because York University has a very high Jewish population, and this sculpture was placed long before Western awareness of the swastika's peaceful history began to congeal.

Anyway, it's called Presence and was commissioned by The House of Seagram for Expo 67 in Montreal. After Expo 67, Seagram donated it to York University. Here it is:

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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